Home from the Hospital

I’m home. It was a rough day. It started out with me not getting any breakfast. In the car, I suspected something was up.

Where are we REALLY going, Mom?

We ended up at the vets, in the bad room, not the good room where I get my acupuncture. Mom handed me over with empty promises and I sat in a hard cage until after lunch – which I didn’t get, either. My suspicions were then confirmed: the worst was yet to come. They made me go to sleep and cut off 4 bumps from my skin and a humongus bump from my gums. The gum invader had destroyed bone in my jaw, so 2 teeth came out with it. Β Just when I had about given up on Mom, the nice lady at the vet took me out of the hard cage and carried me oh so gently out front. You will never guess who was there waiting for me…my Mom! I heard the nice lady tell Mommy what a sweet girl I am. πŸ™‚ Oww, it hurts to smile. It hurts to do pretty much anything. I got some pain pills, and they help. Since everyone had starved me half to death all day, I couldn’t wait to get something to eat. Instead of mixing the special soft food Mom makes (pureed chicken and carrots) with my hard food, she put the puree in a bowl all by itself and warmed it. I couldn’t quite get it in my mouth without it hurting where the stitches are, so Mommy used a soft spatula and fed it all to me. Mmmm. πŸ™‚ Oww. What Mom? This bite is from Noodle? Hi Boyfriend! πŸ™‚ Oww.

0510161837e 0510161837aCan you see the stitches between my eyes? (You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.) I think I look like something Gentle Stitches would do. Mommy says I am still her Gorgeous Worgeous. πŸ™‚ Oww. Daddy went to the store and you will never guess why! He came home with a whole bunch of Caesar’s dog food. OMD, it is soooo good. πŸ™‚ Ow. Why have they been holding out on me all these years?

Anyhow, Mom says I need to tell you that at least part of the pathology report will be back in 48 hours. Depending on what it says, there may be another report from the bone that came out with the teeth a little later. I have to go back to the vet in 10 days for them to remove my stitches. Mommy promises she will stay with me for them to do that. I am not allowed to jump (ha, ha) or run or exert myself or eat anything hard or have a bath. At least there is one bright spot in all of this. πŸ™‚ Oww.

Mommy said she got an extra day at her job at St. Luke where my friend Dave helps out since she doesn’t have the job at the church on the mountain anymore. She asked me if I want to go with her tomorrow and I am still thinking about it. I probably will. She said I don’t have to work hard, I can take it easy for a couple of weeks.

Oh, and before I take my evening nap, I wanted to thank everyone for their love and prayers and support. Bark on! (No I am not going to smile – it hurts.)
P.S. Noodle, I heard you were naughty last night and even made yourself sick worrying about me. Stay sweet and well for me, OK? And we will go on our excellent adventures. ❀



57 thoughts on “Home from the Hospital

  1. How did we miss that about Shelby? Hopefully she is back to 100%. With the bone loss, it is hard for me to eat right now. My mouth stitches will dissolve, too. It’s the ones holding me together where the other three tumors were removed that have to come out. I’m glad Mommy has a good stomach for smells.


  2. We hope that you are feeling better. Shelby had extensive dental surgery last month and her stitches were able to dissolve. She did not get special food. I just added warm water to her food. She was deprived because I can’t handle the smell of wet food. She took it easy for two fays and then the craziness began. Take care sweet girl.

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