32 thoughts on “False Rumors

  1. ^^blushie earsss^^
    Many fankss Xena…..mee tiress to leern sumfin new efurry day!
    Oh an mee not usin thee name ‘Henry’ anymore….Mee now iss Purrince Siddhartha Heintje.
    Heintje iss Dutch fur Heinz an that was mee Hu’man Granpawss original name….
    You can call mee Dharth…mee likess when you call mee that!

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  2. Oh Xena this iss rite…Achilless iss a grown uppy doggie so it will take sumwhat longer fur his boy hoar-moanss to leeve him. Hee will then bee more gentull an fun…..An let mee count thee weeks: 1, 2, umm 3, 4, 5….ummm hmmmm (“What iss thee next numburr LadyMum?” Iss 6 See-dhartha!” “Fankss LadyMum!”) OKay back to countin Xena, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…..an then Achilless will bee all better!!!!!
    Hey mee can count to 6 now!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! Fankss Xena!!!!

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  3. **sighsss** Xena mee iss sorry fingss went a bit haywire….an mee iss sorry Lucy an Achilless not hit it off…..at leest Lucy has new play furend inn Ella.
    An Achilless wil bee A-Ok aftur ‘big boy’ surgery. Mee had it dun when mee was all most 6 monthss old an it was ouchie fur a few dayss an then mee was back to normal 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hello xena its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo no how thoze skurrilus gossip rags ar!!! they wil print enny kind of roomer and fabrikayshun abowt sellebriteez as long as they think it wil git them klicks and reederz!!! but we all no yoo ar totaly daddys girl!!! ok bye

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are so sweet, Purrince Henry. I think I got everyone straightened out. And Lucy doesn’t care. She and Ella have become Bff’s. Word on the street is that Achilles is going in soon for his big boy surgery and he will soon be a “different” dog, he, he. ❤ ~Xena

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  6. Deerest Xena mee new you are a “Daddy’ss Gurl” an mee nevurr thott you an Achilless were a cup-pull. Mee even tried to ‘set uppy’ Lucy an Achilless…..butt Achilless keeped playin with you….so mee plan backfired… **sighsss**
    Mee iss sorry there are ru-murrss….
    An mee iss sorry fur Lucy all so.
    **nose kissesss** Purrince Dharth xXx

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  7. Mommy says it takes two to tango. I don’t know what that has to do with me and this situation, but I know I’m not going to dance tango with Achilles. ~Xena


  8. Achilles must have been wooo wooing in his sleep about you and someone just misinterpreted what he was saying…..We all know you are a Daddy’s girl.
    Granny T

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