Upside Down World

Hi friends, this is Lucy and Xena, and boy have we got news for you!Lucy: You remember our Aunty Jen, right? Here’s a picture of her with Achilles from this spring.

This has nothing to do with Achilles. At least not yet. And we hope not later, either. This has to do with one of our Aunty Jen’s dreams for the last five years. That’s longer than either of us has been alive! She’s been following a particular breeder up in Indiana.

Xena: For a schnauzer, right?

Lucy: No! For a …Pig!

Can you believe it? We are going to have a cousin who is a six-week-old Mini Juliana piglet. His name is (probably) going to be Sir Mortimer Hamington. We’re all going to call him Mortie.

Xena: I might call him Hammie, he, he.

Lucy: Aunty Jen and Uncle Bill are driving north this week to adopt him. Mom and Aunty Jen agreed that we have to get together every other weekend so that we can all get used to each other. 

Xena: Is he good to eat?

Lucy: NO!!! He’s going to be our COUSIN! NOT our SUPPER! And I may have to pig sit sometime! My world is turning upside down!

Xena: A pig, and no bacon or pork chops. I think my world is turning upside down, too!

Xena: Uh, what do pigs eat….

This is Lucy and Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess, waiting to meet our new cousin Mortie (or Hammie)

30 thoughts on “Upside Down World

  1. Lulu: “That’s a different-looking dog.”
    Chaplin: “I don’t think it’s a dog.”
    Lulu: “For one thing, it hasn’t got the right kind of nose.”
    Charlee: “That’s because it’s not a dog.”
    Lulu: “And it hasn’t got the right kind of feet.”
    Chaplin: “What part of ‘not a dog’ don’t you understand?”
    Lulu: “The ‘not a dog’ part, I guess …”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. OOL (oink out loud) Mortie is A D O R A B L E. I hear piggies will eat anything insight..well not their cousins…but he might for sure finish your kibbles if you leave them sitting around.
    I look forward to lots of news about him. I must google Juliana pigs for size info etc.
    Hugs Cecilia

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  3. Having a pig cousin is much better than having a pig ….dinner. SO yes. I am on board with this cousin. Good luck, friends.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wait, they eat everything that won’t eat them first? Yikes ! Maybe I’ll just stay home, Granny. Xox Xena
    I’ll ask Mom to do a calendar. Your friend, Lucy


  5. Piggy’s do make great pets but you have to be very strong about the amount of food they are allowed to eat a day, No It’s only a small bite of your toast or it’s just 1 french fry. Pigs are absolute champions at eating everything that won’t eat them first and wait for it……….. They squeak and not like a squeaky toy! When they are mad or don’t get what they want you have to wear earplugs..I’m sure Aunty Jen has done tons of research and already a has training plan in mind for the new addition. You two will also enjoy playing with him. He will be able to take walkies with you too as they are easily leashed trained. I can’t wait to hear all the great stories you will have to share with us.
    I made a mistake and left the front door open today and a bird flew in the house! You never heard so many squealing dogs in your life!
    You know what girls, you are taking such great pictures these days , if your Mom made a calendar with them I’d be first in line to buy one,
    Granny T

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mew mew mew a Piggie Couzin???? Well this ISS purrty diffyrent! LadyMew said Piggiess are just as clevurr as doggiess an fee-liness an they are grate to bee frendss with….
    Sir Mortimer Hamington iss quite a kewl name!!! Concatss to yore Aunty Jenn for makin her dreem come true!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

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  7. I cannot wait for you to to meet your new cousin! He is going to be introduced to all things Puppers! I know you girls will be GREAT cousins and show him the ropes without eating him. Love you, Aunty Jen

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