Grooming with Mom on Awww Monday

Lucy, Ace Reporter here on the Groom Beat with another new groom.

Hi friends and followers. It’s me, Lucy, here to show you another new pup who came with his brother and sister to be groomed. His siblings, Maggie and Bentley, have been here several times. They are the 3-year-old pups of Laila and Louis, who come to us very often.

Hi! We’re Maggie and Bentley. We came and got groomed too! Don’t forget US!

The new pup is Tyrian. He is a chiweenie. His hair is naturally a little over an inch long, so he wasn’t a “mess.” But his folks wanted help with the shedding. The curry comb (that’s a grooming term) didn’t remove much hair, so Groomer Mom used a #7.5 blade (that’ a grooming term) and shaved him all over and neatened up his ears. Dad had to hold him to get his nails cut, then he settled down and stopped being afraid.

Groomer Mom noticed similarities in personality between Tyrian and Chia, and knew it must come from the daschund part of each of them. His eyes and the looks he gave her were almost identical to Chia’s. Mom said she has decided she really likes daschunds! We all like our own little half daschund an awful lot, too.

This is Lucy, signing off with wags and licks until the next great groom!

We are joining Comedy Plus with much thanks for hosting Awww Mondays.

31 thoughts on “Grooming with Mom on Awww Monday

  1. Mewow Maggie an Bentley you both look wunderfull….guud to see you both again!
    An Tyrian is beauteefull…Chiweenie iss a cute name fore THE breed!!!
    Lucy you did a GRATE reeport this time!! **APAWSS APAWSS**
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ❤ LadyMew

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great groom of the newbie…what a mouthful of a name for a tiny pup! BOL!

    Dalton has that look that ‘weenies’ can give, too…but his is mostly fear and aggression to go along with that…to men. Sheesh, even after 4 years. ( He is a wee bit better than at first, but we might be long gone before he decides he can trust his ‘daddy’. It might be bad for him when we have to go out of town in a few more weeks and he’ll be under the care of my older son who loves dogs, but Dalton doesn’t care and tries to nip his legs… I don’t think son will be able to give him the CBD drops, I ‘ll have to search for treats with the same doseage…)


  3. All three are so cute, there must be a run on chiweeines. beau and i were attacked by one on our walk, the sister one was on leash, then my niece got a puppy, and now here is another one. the personaly is different on all the chiweenies i think, just like chihuahua can be nice or a real pest and mean. like the neighbors 2 one is nice the other one is not.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Groomers rock. They keep our babies looking and smelling their best. Tell your mom she did a great job.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Please do not say the word shedding ever again. It makes Mom crazy because of the mess I make all over the house. If I sit somewhere and scratch myself, it looks like I left a throw rug on the floor. Mom says I should apologize to the Roomba for making it work so hard.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

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