Riley’s Poetry on Thankful Thursday

Hi, yep, I’m still here. I’ve lost an awful lot of weight, except I’ve got a big belly, or so I’m told. But I know My Person Andrew needs me right now, so I’m sticking around as long as I can. When Mom Amy asked me if I wanted to write a poem this week, I didn’t really feel like it, but, well, then I thought, “Hmmmm, I might not be able to do many more,” so I did. By the way, this picture of me is from four years ago. Let’s start by thanking Angel Sammy for the fun picture this week. And here it is.

Chicken legs

Look at that load of chicken legs;
That’s the stuff for which we all beg.
Why’s that dude got ’em all on his head?
Wait! Chicken legs means those birds are dead!

I need to sniff and follow the trail
From where he came; I’ll have it nailed.
And then I’ll stuff my stomach full
Before I worship at the shul.

BOL! I remember when Mom Amy used to work in the office of a Jewish shul. I get my inspiration (and rhymes) from tons of things I know. I oughta write a book like Lexi did. Yep, I bet I could, I bet….I…*snore*

Mom Amy: The pups said I could give the thankful today. First, though, many thanks to Angel Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful for all of you who rallied around me with sympathies, good wishes, and even information of how they could memorialize Riley when I let you know the condition he was in last week. Thursday I made the appointment for Friday to take his last trip to the vet, and he must have known and not been ready. Or he knew H.P. Andrew still needed him. Friday morning he woke up feeling considerably better. At that point, H.P. Andrew made the decision to wait. And you were all so kind about the change of heart, too. You are truly wonderful people, and it is a privilege to be even a small part of your lives.

25 thoughts on “Riley’s Poetry on Thankful Thursday

  1. This happened with our cat, MacKenzie. The vet was at the house, and we both decided he wasn’t ready. She also was our cat sitter at the time, and we were going away for three weeks, so I knew he would be in good hands. Our boy waited until we returned and passed away five hours after we got home. Wish he could have stayed around a bit longer, but guess he felt comfortable leaving us once he was able to say good-bye. So happy to hear Riley rallied. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

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  2. Riley darlin’ friend what a fine poem… the winner winner chicken for dinner.

    Sending you lots of hugs and also to your devoted humans


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  3. Riley – you are a poet! I hope you can stay with Andrew for as long as possible. Sending you both lots of hugs – hugs are great medicine!!!

    ALso hugs to your pawrents and 4 legged sisters!

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  4. Thank you so much. Riley is so blessed that he has someone who loves him the way I loved Lexi. I couldn’t have gone through the sheer physical and emotional exhaustion again.

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  5. That was a really fun poem Riley and terrific thankfuls too. Riley, always remember, we love you pal!!! Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

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  6. Riley, thanks for that poem – it was so much fun. We always enjoy them, and this one’s just a little more special for all of us. Lots of loving hugs headed your way!

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  7. Riley not only are wee happy you still heer; wee LOVE yore poe-em!!! Wee happy that you an Mistur andrew are still twogether two!!

    ***nose bopss*** BellaDharma

    Amy I am so relieved that Riley’s ‘rally’ has lasted so long……I would have made same decision as Andrew made. I hope they have many more days together!

    Much Love BellaSita Mum

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  8. Sweet, sweet Riley…always being there when you’re needed. Know Elsa, Wilson and I continue to pray for you as you keep your person company. Sending digital healing thoughts your way. 💙 P.S. Lovely poetry, buddy. No wonder Andrew adores you, you’re sweet and talented in so many ways.

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  9. That’s a great poem, Riley. You and your family will know when the time is right for you to go, but until then just enjoy all the love you can give and get from everyone around you.

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  10. Thanks, Teddy. I’ve always liked cats, and you’re one of the reasons why. I’ll make sure Mom Amy and MP Andrew read what you said here. Riley


  11. Riley first of all that was truly a FUN poem for Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day – you have a lot of talent dear boy……and secondly, I think YOU are the only one who will know when it’s time to fly away. In the meantime, you snuggle and hug and take all the considerable love you get at home AND from all of us who love you. You can wrap it up when you’re ready to go and take it with you – love will ALWAYS follow you – I promise. Hang in there guy – we all have a “calling” and you’ll know it when you hear it. Sending you POTP and huggies!!!

    Love, Teddy (and his Mom too)

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  12. Riley you are so good at poetry, but we’ll let you snooze, seeing as how it tuckered you out! Get some good rest so that you can have more good time with Andrew.

    We are so glad you decided to keep Andrew company for a bit longer.

    We send lots of love and hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

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