23 thoughts on “Chia’s Sunday Photo-Bombed Selfie

  1. Hey Java Bean! Nope. I was keeping an eye on Xena cause the folks were sitting across from me eating a late lunch. You just can’t see them in this picture. XOXOX Chia


  2. I am still laughing as I type. the stink eye you are giving your sister for photo bombing is priceless and Xena looks like she is miffed at mama for taking your photo and not hers.. you both look adorable. hugs to Riley and Lucy and POTP for Riley

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Xena, we think you wnated to be in that spot!!

    It is a cute selfie, Chia. Are you allowed to be there, you look a bit ambivalent about being there!

    Liked by 1 person

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