Xena’s Thankful Poetry Thursday (hic)

Hi Folks! I get my blog back for the rest of the month cause it’s my birthday month. I’ll be seven whole years old on the first day of summer! I think I might be old enough to drink something other than water now, and I’d like to start with that kalua that Mommy likes. Here’s my poem…uh, maybe I shouldn’t start drinking…or maybe I shouldn’t start driving…

First, though, a big thank you to Angel Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday as well as Angel Sammy for the fun pictures every week. And here we go….

Don’t Drink and Drive by Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

I wanted to take Mommy’s car for a spin.
I didn’t know what trouble I’d soon be in.
I grabbed a big bottle off the lower shelf
Thinking I would drink all of it all by myself.

Out of the driveway and on down the street,
I found drinking while driving was quite a feat.
I’d never done either before this wild day
And learned that at home I really should stay.

I barked and I laughed and then I got sick;
I barfed in the car all over the shift stick.
Next thing I knew I was parked ‘tween two cars.
I crawled out the window and blew a loud fart.

Many police arrived and one read my name tag;
When he called my Mommy I gave a small wag.
We can’t give a dog a D.U.I. they said,
You need to come get her and put her to bed.

No more will I drink and no more will I drive;
I’m very happy to be home and alive.
Just one little thing I do wish that I knew…
How’d I park in a space that’s just a walk-through?

Mommy has taught me better than to drink anything but water and she has showed me I can’t drive cause I can’t reach the pedals or see over the front dashboard. Besides, I get scared riding in the car when I’m not in my backseat kennel. I just wanted to ‘splain this to you to make sure you didn’t think this really happened! I’m real thankful that I have my Mommy to take me places.

Lucy: I’m thankful I have Mom and Dad to be close to when it thunderstorms.

Chia: I’m thankful I’m not scared of thunderstorms.

Riley: I’m thankful My Person Andrew is still here with me and helping me any time of the day or night that I need help. That includes taking me out when I really have to go in a hurry and cleaning up after me when I don’t quite make it outside. I still have trouble breathing at times, but MP Andrew has taught me to lift up my head and lay it on my bolster or the arm of the couch if I’m up there, and then I can breathe easier.

Thanks for stopping by to read my poem and thankfuls today! Xena

24 thoughts on “Xena’s Thankful Poetry Thursday (hic)

  1. Lulu: “Our Dada is also a fan of that Kahlua stuff! Although we don’t see him drink it. He puts it on top of ice cream.”
    Charlee: “I’ve seen him mix it with Amaretto and cream and drink it, but not very often.”
    Oona: “Oona would like some cream! Preferably without the Kahlua and Amaretto, though.”
    Java Bean: “We are glad to hear that you are doing well, Riley, and that your Person Andrew is taking such good care of you! Hang in there, amigo!”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had a little dalmation I used to take to the lake with me when I was in my 20’s. She would run around the beach drinking everyone’s rum and coke and I wouldn’t know what happened until she came staggering back to me!


  3. This is absolutely the most clever and best poem of the week! LOVE IT! Excellent thankfuls as well. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Another great poem!!And so many wonderful thankfuls!

    Years ago, when I was about 14 or so, my sister and I gave our dog about half a teaspoon of ‘Advocaat’, a Dutch alcoholic spoonable treat…and oh boy, we never did that again. He want all crazy for a while and then plunked down like a dead dog…he was fine after that…the things that we did when our parents were not at home, LOL!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Xena OMDS OMDs girlfriend I am about to fall out of my chair. This was hilarious!!! WOW Well done.

    I also enjoyed your thankfuls

    Hugs cecilia

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Xena my friend you are a masterful poet! Mom almost spit out her coffee a couple of times while reading it to me – that means she likes it a lot. LOL We will forever wonder HOW this car “thing” happened that’s in the photo but we KNEW it would be a fabulous photo for poetry (or should I say that Angel Sammy KNEW!). Thanks for making us giggle – it means our whole day will be better thanks to you!!!!!!!!

    Love, Teddy

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great story about that car, and so glad it is fiction. you have the worlds greatest mommy, except of course for Beau’s mama. ha ha.. hugs to Riley and lots of POTP coming up to him.. great job on the post Xena.

    Liked by 1 person

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