Xena’s Final 2024 Birthday Month Picture

Chia: Hey Xebo, why you lookin’ so sad? And why d’you have that blanket over you.

Xena: The name’s XENA, The air conditioning is cold. And I feel bad that this is my last birthday month picture for this year.

Chia: Wellllll *wags tail* let’s go outside on the patio and play!

*a few minutes later* Xena: I’m gonna get you!

Chia: No, I’m gonna get YOU! Ow, my leg!

Chia: Maybe you should go back in and get your throw-back picture ready.
Xena: Yep, I’m gonna find a good one. Then Mommy will help me take new ones for the rest of the year!

Here we go. This was my very first Freestyle Title. This was in November of 2018 and I was just a little over 2 years old. We were performing in Level 2b.

That was a very good day! Yep, I feel much better now.

Your friend and Freestyle pup, Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

13 thoughts on “Xena’s Final 2024 Birthday Month Picture

  1. That’s my red blankie. Mommy got it to go with my red bed. I know you love red, but please don’t take my blankie, K? Oh, the month of Xena…I like that. Let’s change the name on all the calendars! XOX Xena


  2. Xena…the red blankie looks very comfy and warm.

    Congratulations on the freestyle dancing. Looks like you trained mom WELL

    You did lots in the Month of Xena

    Hugs Cecilia

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lulu: “Wrestling! Party time! It doesn’t get much better than that! And I think I have that same food bowl, except mine is blue!”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, why is a girl dog’s food bowl blue instead of pink?”
    Lulu: “Because I refuse to be pigeonholed by societal color expectations! Also, it used to be Dennis’s.”

    Liked by 1 person

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