Practicing on Awww Monday

Thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!
Have I mentioned me and Mommy are going to a state called Ohio so we can perform our Freestyle dance? We’re leaving on Friday, and I have so much to do:

  1. Pack my food and lots of treats
  2. Get groomed (done)
  3. Rescue my Schnauzie stuffie from Chia and hide her
  4. Practice our “moves”
  5. Go to the chiropractor
  6. Pack my food and lots of treats

In the meantime, I’m practicing my pose for my awards acceptance.

What do you think? Should I try to smile like Lucy. I will wag my tail a lot and probably look at Mommy adoringly, cause, well, that’s what I do on the Freestyle floor! Mommy calls me her tiny dancer.

Is it Friday yet?

Xena, Tiny Dancer

27 thoughts on “Practicing on Awww Monday

  1. You’ve definitely got the pose down perfectly. Hope you win first prize. Good luck. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

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  2. Thing is, there’s no winning or losing, there’s scoring! And we’re going for a high score and a blue ribbon and a bottle of champagne (for Mom only) and maybe lots of treats and applauses! *big wags* Xena


  3. Thanks, Miss Cecilia, Mommy’s already ordered and paid for the video that someone will make. But it usually takes a long time to get to us… XOX Xena


  4. Xena and your Mom will be floating on the dance floor – like Ginger and Fred!

    We’ll be rooting for you!!!!

    Hugs to Riley and Andrew!

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  5. Xena OMDs OMDs…how exciting. I hope Mom will somehow get a video to share. I know you and Mom are gonna have a long of fun. So many questions…that I’m sure will be answered once you share your experience.

    Have fun travel safe and BTW that is a fine pose by the door

    Hugs Cecilia

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  6. Well, you see, Mr. Bruce, while I was writing this, Chia ran past me (again) with my Schnauzer stuffie. Chia looks at me, then growls and shakes her and bites her hard. I think she’s trying to tell me something, but I’m not scared of her! XOX Xena

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  7. Xena, I love the fact while you’re preparing for a big trip like that #3 on your to-do list is “Rescue my Schnauzie stuffie from Chia and hide her.” You may be a tiny dancer, but you provided a big laugh there!

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  8. Don’t forget to pack your food and lots of treats. I’m going to go with you. You’re most beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around and a hug to mom. ♥

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