Xena’s Rough Saling and Thankfuls

Hi Friends! First, a big thank you to Angel Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday as well as Angel Sammy for the fun pictures every week.  And lots of thanks for all the happy birthday wishes last week! I’m now 7 years and 1 week old. It’s still my birthday month, so I get to write the poem again, whoo hoo!

Rough Saling

Word got out I’d run away;
A found reward was on my head.
I’d just gone shopping for the day!
Now I’ll be trampled and found dead.

It’s supper-time, my stomach growls.
Across their heads I quickly run.
All these folks! I’m in hell’s bowels.
I’ll be home soon with my own Mom.

Now for my thankfuls. Hmmm. I’m thankful to live in my home with air conditioning. It’s been sooooo hot outside! And I’m thankful I have my little sister Chia to play with. Sometimes she’s a, a, shall we say, a pest? But she’s my sister and I love her. And I’m thankful for all my blogging friends, too!

Your Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

16 thoughts on “Xena’s Rough Saling and Thankfuls

  1. Fabulous job with the poetry, sweet little girl. Yes, AC is the number one thing we are all grateful for here too. On the plus side, we don’t have the humidity like you have, but we’re still very, very grateful for having AC. Here’s hoping the heat dissipates soon. ‘Just’ 87 days and counting until autumn officially arrives.

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  2. Well done on the poem, Xena! I think most of America is thankful for AC.. crowds like this one are something I avoid like the plague.. I like the idea of Xena running accross those heads

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  3. Now that’s a PURRFECT poem for the photo this week Xena! I can’t even imagine being in a crowd like that…..my Mom said she’d order online before she’d join a crowd like that one. I’m thankful for air-conditioning too….it was 100 yesterday and I went right to the shade when I was outside but even that wasn’t comfy. We had some rain last night so I’m hoping maybe it’s a little better this morning. Thanks for “playing” poetry with us!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

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  4. AC is such a blessing, and we too are grateful to have it.

    Love your poem, and I found you in that image! BOL! You really were up high!

    Our peeps hate those big crowds, too…we got stuck in a huge crowd in DC’s Union Station once…UGH! It really was a swarm…

    Liked by 1 person

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