Xena’s Thursday Birthday Month Pic and More Thankfuls

First thanks to Angel Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday!

These pictures were taken on the second Christmas Eve after I was born. It was 2018, and I was one and one half years old. This is my Uncle Bill. He’s belongs to my Auntie Jen. I wasn’t sure about him at first, ’cause I hadn’t been around him much.

But I thought about it and smelled him and looked at him and decided I liked him! (And I still do.)

I’m thankful I have people who I love and who loves me. That’s important. And I’m thankful I have a nice little bed in the big bedroom I can start out the night sleeping in, and that I can climb the stairs to the big bed and curl up with my Mommy whenever I want during the night. She almost always puts her arm around me and we sleep together like that until morning. I’m thankful my Mommy loves me so much.

This is Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess, celebrating my birthday month.

13 thoughts on “Xena’s Thursday Birthday Month Pic and More Thankfuls

  1. Mee-yow Unkell Bill iss a lovelee lookin man…mee can see hee iss gentell an kind! Xena you choosed rite with him 😉 Same heer with cat bedss an then mee can sleep on mee wn blankit n BellaSita’ss bed when mee wantss.

    ***nose bopss*** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

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  2. Xena I’m glad you and your Mommy are “cuddle buddies”. I like to hop up on Mom’s side of the bed for a snuggle SEVERAL times during the night but usually sleep on the floor or guarding the household from the second floor landing. I’m glad you’re enjoying your birthday month so much. You deserve it!

    Huggies, Teddy

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