Friendly Fill-Ins by Us All

Xena: We want to thank  Four-Legged Furballs  and 15andmeowing for hosting. Just click the blue links to get the sentences, then fill in the blanks your OWN way and link up!!

Chia: This is so super cool we each get our own sentence. I just wish I could say lots of things!

Everyone to Chia: We know.

  1. Lucy: I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Chia is now on CBD oil to calm her down.

2. Riley: I am disappointed with our lack of snacks this year for the Super Bowl.

3.Xena: I always come to the kitchen when I hear the refrigerator door open.

4. Chia: I didn’t believe Lucy would get mad when I was just trying to play with her until I saw it for myself.

Chia: I’ve got the last sentence, so I get to have my picture here. Arrr, arrr, arrr. (I talk like that a lot!)