Grounded Again

                           Lucy: Mom says we really went and did it this time. 

Xena: Yep, but that was only after she could talk again.

Lucy: I thought I saw her head spin clear around, she was so mad.

Xena: I think she was spitting venom while her eyes rolled back.

Lucy: And fire was shooting out of her nose. That’s why I stayed up in the chair and tried to look innocent.

Xena: I just hid in the corner of my kennel until she slammed the house door and left. 

Lucy: Here’s what happened. Last week we got to run outside in the front yard every day. It was so much fun!

Can you see how fast we ran? We played bitey-face, too. 

Xena: It was great until Mommy got another part-time job, one where I can’t go with her. So now I only get to go on Mondays and Thursdays, and have to stay in my kennel the rest of the days when she is gone to work. That started the middle of last week, and that’s the morning this all happened…before she went for her first day at this job-without-me. She must have been mad about having to go to another job.

Lucy: Mmm, I don’t think so, Xena. I think it’s ’cause we ran off into the woods by the house instead of staying in the front yard with her. Then we didn’t come back when she called us.

Xena: No, Lucy. You ran off. I just followed you. Then there was so much to smell on the ground, I didn’t hear her calling. Mommy says us schnauzers go nose deaf. 

Lucy: Whatever, Xena. The point is, we were both off in the woods where Mom could hear us but mostly not see us and she said there’s poison ivy back there, too. And she thought she was going to be late to work on her first day because we wouldn’t listen to her. 

Xena: I went back to her. But then I thought I had better go get you and ran off again. It’s probably all your fault.

Lucy: Mom said we had better keep these pictures where we can see them, ’cause that’s the closest we are getting to running around loose out front again until her life on this earth is over. That was after she said some HBO words.

Xena: Look, Lucy, I can run as fast as you! I run so fast the hair on my face blows back into my eyes. 

Lucy: Hmm. Maybe we can use that as an excuse. We were running so fast that we couldn’t see we weren’t in the yard anymore. 

Mom: Forget it, girls. You are so totally grounded.

We are Lucy and Xena, the GroundeduntilH*llfreezesoverand-thereisnomorelifeleftonearthGirls



33 thoughts on “Grounded Again

  1. hello lucy and xena its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow that duz sownd like a long time wot yoo ar going to be grownded!!! like probly at leest a week rite??? hmm dada sez it mite be longer but i kant reely thing abowt numbers mutch bigger then that!!! ok bye

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Shoko. She says she understands very well, and that is why she won’t give it a chance to do that again any time soon. Lucy and Xena (still grounded)

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  3. The Scotties could not read this blog. They live in a dictatorship and have no freedom to run at all. That is how I keep my sanity. I have total control.

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  4. If mom/Aunt Amy got the poison oak…you’re never getting un-grounded! I’ve seen her with it and it’s no fun! You two behave and don’t make me come down there! -Piper

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We knew your Mom would side with our Mom, C. Moms always stick together. And Dads do whatever the Moms say. ~Xena and Lucy


  6. OMGoodness, girls! Yikes! Running off is the worst of all the worst things you can do. My mom wasn’t even there, and SHE wants you grounded from now on. You are so busted. Running and rolling and biteyface did look like fun, but not worth poison ivy or something worse – skunks, snakes, eating poison, and all the other dangers that find us when our moms can’t find us.

    Love and licks,

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  7. Mommy said it is more of something called a copes, just a small thicket, but with lots of trees. I don’t know where she comes up with those words, and I sure am not going to remember them. Anyhoo, we would have just ended up at the neighbor’s, not lost. ~Xena

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  8. OMD! You girls are CRAZY! Don’t you know moms have a heart attack when they can’t see us??? I’m just thankful that you didn’t go in the street. That’s what I thought this post was going to be about. Good luck with Mom#2. Maybe give her some puppy eyes and kisses? *ear licks* Noodle

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  9. I think you’ve done it girls,.total freedom is now just a memory, you’re grounded for life.The first day on a new job is very stressful and adding to that high blood pressure running after 2 selectively stone deaf dogs on these last muggy mornings is more than a human can take. I’d be very very good for the next few weeks. It’s going to take your Mom awhile to get over this one.

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  10. Oops! Maybe thinking about how you girls would feel if mom was some place you didn’t think was safe for her to be AND she didn’t answer when you called for her might help IF there is a next time. ~ cuddles, Mrs. Margret

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  11. Good plan, YAM Auntie. And guess what! I can open the sliding screen door out back by sticking my nose in the hole and pushing it sideways. So now Mommy doesn’t even have to come outside to let us back onto the patio from our dog lot. She says I will grow up to be a mechanical engineer! ❤ ~Xena

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  12. Hari OM
    Aw heck, gals… you might want to rethink this one. Now here’s the plan. When mum gets home each time from that new job, you make her so welcome and feel so loved that her memory becomes impaired as to the fact she was ever mad at all… go on. Give it a go. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

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