Almost Wordless Wednesday-Landry

Thanks to Comedy Plus 
for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Lucy, Ace Reporter here, reporting on another spectacular groom done the weekend before Christmas. It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so two pictures will suffice on Wordless Wednesday.

Thanks Lucy. Great job as always. This is Groomer Mom and I do want to say a little about this groom.

But Mom, this is Almost Wordless Wednesday, and I’ve already used up over two thousand words with the pictures!

It’s OK Lucy, dear. I think folks will make an exception.
Landry, along with his yorkie brother Dallas and his pomeranian sister Bonnie Blue were all here February of 2019. If you missed it, you are welcome to take a look here. They haven’t been groomed since. I started thinking about them, concerned for them, and even knowing what I was getting into, I contacted their mom. She told me that Dallas died of cancer in August, and his sister Bonnie Blue died of cancer the following month. But Landry sure could use a groom. Well, I knew what that meant, and what to expect, so I was prepared with a muzzle, kind words, and a bottle of CBD oil. His dad brought him, and told me he tried to give Landry a bath, but Landry bit him “pretty bad.” “He’s fast,” he said. With his dad’s permission, I squirted a half dropperful of CBD oil in his mouth. An hour had passed by the time he was mostly shaved and I had him in the tub. I decided to try it without a mask. Well, the CBD oil had kicked in, and Landry not only let me wash him all over, including his face three times, he also let me get the hair out of his ears and finish cutting his nails, all the time wagging his tail. Thanks, Monika, for a great product and a bite-free bath! You helped make Landry a happy boy. Landry’s dad agreed to start bringing him four times a year. I’ll have the CBD oil ready!

42 thoughts on “Almost Wordless Wednesday-Landry

  1. What a ruff time Landry’ss furamillee had losin 2 poochie doggiess. Miss Amy you werked a meeracull makin Ladndry look 100 purr cent once again!!
    An Lucy yore reeportin iss grate too!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

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  2. Landry looks great and I’m glad you found a way to make being groomed less stressful for him. He is a beautiful dog. My heart goes out to his family on the loss of his siblings. Great Reporting Lucy as always!

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  3. I’ve heard it takes a while to build up in the system. Maybe a week or so. Thankfully that higher dose kicked in almost right away on Landry. But you can also look at increasing the dose if what you are giving isn’t helping.


  4. Oh, so sorry to hears about Landry’s siblings….butts your Moms did a FABulous job on him! I can’t say that my CBD has done THAT to me, butts I do take a small dose everyday, and it does make me happier 😃
    High paw to your Ma! (at least she did give any Poodle feets! BOL!)
    Ruby ♥

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  5. Landry and the other two were like that when they first came to me. There are some other issues going on there. We all think the CBD oil would help Dalton. Mom has given it to Xena for her allergies. It didn’t really help the allergies, but she stopped barking at everyone and everything. It got so quiet around here… XOX Lucy


  6. What a transformation!!.

    We have had good luck grooming Arty ourselves, except for his face.
    I sure wish Arty responded to CBD oil, I may have to see if the blend Monika uses will help!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. An almost magical transformation!

    That CBD oil is amazing and fangtastic stuff!
    (Yes, I made a typo, but since the CBD kept the teeth where they belonged, I left it up there, LOL!)

    How sad that in their grief they let Landry get all tangled up like that:(

    Maybe Dalton needs some CBD for all his PSTD issues…Hmmm…

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  8. What a sad story Lucy, you have a great mom and dad Our Mom & Dad would not take us to anyone else but your mommy, Stay warm love Chaz & Chloe🐶🐶

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  9. What a difference. Wow, you’re most handsome now. Looks like someone knows how to handle pups that don’t like grooming. Excellent.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  10. the picture words were wonderful, the explanation really helpful. good to know the oil works like that.. wow what a difference in looks and i am sure he is so much more comfy feeling. sorry to hear about the siblings going over the rainbow bridge.. tell your mom, good job!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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