Crossing the Border

Lucy, Ace Reporter, here with the newest news on the Border Crossings. A rabbit was sighted crossing our property border early last week. Xena, can you tell us more about what happened?

Xena: Yes, thank you, Lucy. I and my sisters were watching out the window for passersby to bark at when suddenly a bunny leaped out of the woods that define our property border on the north. The bunny hopped along our road border to the west and into our front yard.
I quickly called for a meeting of the pack, as a decision had to be made. It was difficult to come to an agreement, as everyone was yelling at the top of their voices.

Lucy: Yes, I heard – and was a part of – all the commotion. What happened next.

Xena: It was a difficult decision. Was the bunny smuggling things into our yard? Was it going to try to hurt us? Why couldn’t it just stay in the woods where it belonged? It would have been so easy to chase the bunny and try to catch it. Fresh meat, you know. In the end, we all agreed that the bunny deserved the same rights as we had. The right to live in peace and eat our grass and move about in our yard without fear.

So we opened our borders to the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Lucy: That was a kind and smart decision we all made, and ended well for everyone. This is Lucy, Ace Report…

Xena: Wait, Lucy. Did you forget what happened a couple of days afterward? Word got out that we have open borders, and a different kind of immigration started. We started taking turns as border watchers. Remember? I’ve got this picture of you as a “watcher.”

A couple of days later it was Riley’s turn. That’s when the next property border crossing happened.

Here’s what he saw..

Lucy: It sure does look like we’ve become a diversified property!

Chia, Riley, Xena and Lucy, with liberty and free grass for all!

26 thoughts on “Crossing the Border

  1. Great post. That photo of the Statue of Liberty had me lol. We’ve had some bunny border crossings here, and also subscribe to the dual policies of liberty and free grass for all.๐Ÿ˜€

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  2. Lulu: “We are definitely good with a bunny invasion. If they bring along their friends the squirrels and chipmunks, so much the better.”
    Oona: “Don’t forget the birds and butterflies! Oona will welcome them all! AND THEN SHE WILL STARE AT THEM AND CHATTER LIKE A MANIAC!!!”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, we decided to take a page out of Mommy’s book, well, not literally…ha ha I made a joke! Anyhoo, she brought home a little mouse she found at work stuck to a mouse glue trap and tried to help it. It died. Hoping our border crossers don’t die. That’s a lot of graves to dig! XOX Xena

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  4. Viva le difference wee sayss!!! Long live Liberty an Freedom fore sure! Yore all so guud an understandin…. Lucy that was a furabuluss reeport. An Riley wee so happy yore doin guud!!! Wee send POTP an โค โค to keep on keepin you on….. Xena an Chia wee love youss’ two. **nose bopss** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum


  5. Wow, capturing that mama deer and her baby together is such a precious pic. Glad you guys all decided on being kinder and gentler (even if everyone’s ears get rung). You’re nothing like INS and that’s a good thing. ๐Ÿ’™


  6. None of us have ever seen a fawn nursing before, either. We heard later that the deer like to eat hostas, so we’re waiting to see if they come up close to the house where the hostas are. Mommy says she doesn’t care if they eat the hostas.


  7. Uh, we don’t need that. It would cause mayhem. Mommy already brought home a mouse from work, but it died that same night (no, we didn’t have anything at all to do with it dying…really, we didn’t!) XOX Xena


  8. OMDs I have never ever NO never seen a fawn nursing…this was a most special post.

    Only thing I’ve seen from my window is wascally wabbits eating my petunias…the pots were moved from deck safety to yard while the deck was being powerwashed

    They did enjoy the buffet

    Hugs Cecilia

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  9. Good for you! Deciding that allowing border crossings was the right thing to do – a very wise thing to do. Sharing your yard with passers-by also gives you all some fun viewing opportunities. No doubt those travelers were happy with your decision – besides – there’s so much to see when we look out the windows at the animals in this wide world that we share. YAY!

    Hugs, Teddy

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  10. And the greatest news of all is that I got to see you dear Lucy and dear Riley and I have not seen either one of you in quite a while and you have the most perfect chair of all to watch that border. Most border patrols have to ride around in hot jeeps. You are inside and protected at all times and have such a beautiful view. Bunnies and deer what could be better except of course what lives inside the house 4 beautiful dogs

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