Xena’ Birthday Month Pictures @ RC

What’s RC? It’s Rock City, of course! The place I used to have so much fun every March and October. I heard they aren’t doing this fun stuff anymore and that makes me sad. But it makes me happy to remember all the fun times I had there! These memories are from March 2018, when I was nine months old. This first one is me with my Daddy.

I saw my Mommy set down the empty cup that she had been drinking from. I wanted to go ‘splore it…you know, take a taste! And help out by licking the cup clean.

Mmmm, I still remember it was full of foamy goodness. It tasted like ice cream and something else… Mmmmm.

Turns out, it was an ice cream beer float. Mmmmm.

What else can I say? Except that was the only one I ever got..

Hic. *grin* Hic.

It was sooooo gooooood.

Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

15 thoughts on “Xena’ Birthday Month Pictures @ RC

  1. It was taken over by a new manager (owner’s son in law) who is a lawyer in NYC, and he is focusing on maximum profit for least amount of work. His first month there he fired every single employee, some who’d been there 20 yrs or more, so he could hire in cheaper. The last weekend we were there last October, there were 9,000 visitors by noon.


  2. at the end you do look a tad ummm, tipsy? I saw Rock City when I was 8. sorry they have made changes. places like that are probably not as popular because it is natural beauty and not roller coasters and bright lights.. you are not yet 21 ha ha

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well now……you got a taste of something for the FIRST and LAST time huh? Ice cream beer float sounds interesting and of course you fell victim to the temptation of giving it a lick or two or three! Love the photos……

    Hugs, Teddy

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That was a fun time for you!! Hmmm, beer and underage?? BOL!!

    (I read the accordian post, how cool is that!!)

    Liked by 1 person

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