Prayers for Lexi, please

I went to my favorite vet this afternoon to get my acupuncture. The vet tech Angela and Dr. Karen love me and I love them back. Angela is like a treat dispensing machine – what’s not to love? Dr. Karen said I am her very bestest patient on the table. She also said I am sweet and beautiful and brave and that I look years younger than I am. 🙂

Mommy hadn’t brushed my teeth for almost a week, and when she looked in my mouth this morning she put the brush down without giving me my yummy toothpaste. She saw something she thought was a big abscess on my gums. The vet said because it has a large black area on the bottom of it, she believes it is a cars in oma. No, it is in my mouth, and I am relatively sure it isn’t a car. There is a picture of it at the end of the post; however, if you are squeamish like my Dad, you can just skip right over that to the comments section. In the meantime, here is a picture of me Saturday night after I finished my birthday dinner. Mom says it is a happy picture. 0507162014a

This is Lexi’s Mom (Amy) taking over here. Lexi goes early tomorrow morning to have the tumor removed, plus three more suspicious looking  tumors on her body. Please, POTP, prayers, good thoughts, all of that for Lexi, and I could use some too. I have had my cry and am trying to not be a wreck right now. I think it is times like these that we all appreciate each other the most.  Now, scroll down fast if you don’t want to see the gross picture of her gum tumor just behind her incisor.

72 thoughts on “Prayers for Lexi, please

  1. We are sending lots of POTP your way Lexi and we are sending lots of extra soothing snuggles for your Mama too!
    Big Hugs!!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey, Bilbo and Mama

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Lexi……It’s me your boyfriend Noodle’s grandma. I’m sending you lots of pets and behind the ears scratches. Hugs for your mom and dad and lots of encouragement. You all have to try to be brave and strong. Please know you have so many humans and 4 paws praying for all of you.


  3. Ruby, I don’t know why we never met before either, but I sure am glad to hear from you and know you are in my corner. BFF’s with Macy? It’s nice to know she has a friend!


  4. Lexi, Please be okay! you’re just a teenager!! Good luck and keep smiling. The show MUST go on. Your friends, Becky and Shadow

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  5. Oh Lexi! I am so sorry to hear this news! Your Boyfuriend Noodle filled me in ( I can’t believes I’ve never met you! I’ve been pals with Noodle furevers, and BFF’s with Macy!), and I am sendin’ tons of POTP and healin’ vibes and AireZens to you!!!!!
    And sendin’ lots and lots of {{{hugs}}} to your Moms
    Ruby ♥

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  6. Mitzy sends her well wishes. She is diabetic but it doesn’t scare her (only her mom’s scared), and so Mitzy is positive you’ll get through this! Positive energies on its way!

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  7. Oh my Lexi. We are disgusted that cars are parking in your mouth. Let’s get rid of them by any means necessary. Kali and I have turned on the purring factory and have the purrs focused down your way. We think the world of you Lexi so here’s hoping that these cars don’t come with *a noma.* Licks from us both.

    Shoko and Kali

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  8. Lexi sweet girl,
    I’m holding you, your mom and dad in my prayers.
    Praying for tomorrow’s surgery and good outcomes. Praying for peace for your mom and dad and wisdom for your doctor.
    Giving you a gentle cuddle and hugs for mom and dad.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, No! This is a scary, frightening time. Thank goodness your Mom brushes your teeth regularly so she found this right away. All paws together for you and your family. Woof! (Big hugs from Mom) Love, Maggie

    Liked by 1 person

  10. hello lexi its dennis the vizsla dog hay noodle sent us over so me and my sister saya the mighty cud send yoo lots of tail wags for yoo to feel better and git gud nooz frum the vetnameez peepul!!! wag wag wag heer they come!!! ok bye

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh Crikey!!!! This is so not right! Dear me Lexi …. I’ll be thinking of you and sending prayers and LOVE and POTP from downunder. My love and cuddles to your Momma and Daddy too. They will be so worried! Be brave dear Lexi!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. OMGoodness! That does not look or sound like any fun at all! I’m glad there will be quick action to get that thing out of there. Mom and I have said prayers and we are sure you will be fine, L. Stay brave. We will say more prayers for your family to be strong and for your doctors to be wise and skilled.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  13. OMD! No! NO! NO! It’s nothing bad. It’s fine. Everything is going to be FINE! It has to be. We have to many adventures left to go on and you have to be Mayor so I can do that certain job we talked about.

    I love you, Lexi!

    Please tell your Mom to message Mom on Hangout as soon as she knows you’re okay.

    Love Always Forever and A Day,
    Your Guy

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