Memory Monday – First Boating Blog

from June 30, 2005 originally posted on Dogster when Lexi was 2 years old.

Me on my boat in the horrid yellow vest. Don't I look like a bumblebee?
Me on my boat in the horrid yellow vest. Don’t I look like a bumblebee?

Today I swam eleven laps around my pontoon boat – a personal best – perhaps because no one was watching when I wanted back in after the fourth lap.  When we were done at the lake we went to Dairy Queen, a place that has the most wonderful treats. Brrr!  The ice cream made me very cold and I started to shake uncontrollably. I knew Mom would take my ice cream away if she saw me shivering so I gobbled my pup cup of vanilla ice cream (my favorite flavor).  It was worth it! To warm me up, Mom had to sit in the hot car with me until the shakes went away. I’ll make up for it tonight by puking on Mom’s bed.  Won’t she be surprised?!

25 thoughts on “Memory Monday – First Boating Blog

  1. There was rarely a dull moment with Lexi. If things got quiet, all I had to do was say, “What do you want to do?” to her and she would quickly come up with something.

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  2. Thankfully, she had on her vest to hold her up and young 2 year old legs to keep paddling. 🙂 She never realized she would float if she stopped moving her legs.


  3. Lexi didn’t seek out water, but she understood it cooled her off when she got hot on the boat. She would always go to one certain place to signify she wanted me to lower her in and turn in toward the boat when she wanted me to lift her out.

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  4. She may have, but how do you tell when an animal has a headache? I thought about you when I posted this, figuring you would remember. 🙂 How she hated that vest!


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