Grooming with Mom: Doobie

Lucy, Ace Reporter, here on the Groom Beat. Today we have another new pup to introduce to you. Nothing exciting, but I think the word is “sweet.”

One of our current regular clients has a young teenage girl living with her. The girl has a seven month old beagle. She wanted Dooley to get a bath and a nail trim. Here is Doobie:

I didn’t get to touch her ears, but Groomer Mom said they feel like velvet. She is a very precious girl, and a bit scared of the nail trim and also the bath and dryer. Groomer Mom tried to give her cheese (with her owner’s consent), but she was too nervous to even eat it! Wow, look at those big eyes!

Before too long, Doobie heard a car pull up, and she was right; it was her Mom come to get her.

Well, folks, that’s all for now. Lucy, Ace Reporter signing off with another successful, uh, bath and nail trim.

20 thoughts on “Grooming with Mom: Doobie

  1. Doobie is so adorable!!

    Look how happy she was when she heard her mom’s car!! And what a difference from the first pic when she was so anxious looking.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lulu: “Hello Doobie! You are very cute! Our Dada says, ‘Where are the brothers?'”
    Java Bean: “And then he said something about listenin’ to the music down in China Grove, or something like that.”
    Lulu: “We have no idea what he is talking about.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Easter to you all.

    Doobie is quite adorable. We have a beagle across the street. Her name is “M”….just “M”. She is hilarious cool and calm as long nothing moves. Then OMDs then M the Beagle turns into a Bulgle

    Hugs Cecilia

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am wondering if Dooley thought she had been given away, this might be all new to her. she is a beauty, I love beagles. oh wait, I Love ALL dogs…

    Liked by 1 person

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