Vampire Dogs

Angel Lexi

Angel Lexi: On All Hallow’s Eve, I am back to play tricks and get treats. So tonight, I am reclaiming my blog. That’s right, my blog! This is the night before All Saint’s Day, the day where I will be especially remembered and prayers will go up for me and a candle lit to show I am still the light of the world and star of the stage to show my spirit still shines brightly in the hearts of those who love me. So tonight I will partake of a little mischief. I would rather partake of Kahlua and cream, but there is no cream in the refrigerator. 

Lookout, Xena, here I come. You may eat raw meat every day, but I have not yet had my fill of blood. Eating kibble all my life has left me very, very thirsty. (in best Bela Lugosi voice) I come to suck your…oh forget it, that’s just too corny, even for me. Now, where was I? Tonight, Xena, you become like me!

Xena: You mean I am going to become an Angel?

Angel Lexi: No! You will be a Vampire Dog!

Xena: Aghhhh! Help!

Angel Lexi: There is no help for you. You will crave blood, fresh blood. Now go get some blood! (And bring me all the meat from the fridge.)

Now YOU will be a vampire, too, Mommy, with me and Angel Lexi

Xena: Oh, Mo-o-ommy… hold me, Mommy, hold me close bawahaha

Happy Halloween! Be sure to visit Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou, and Bionic Basil  for more spooky tails.

Vampire Dogs Angel Lexi the Schnauzer and Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess Dash

Vampire Dogs

Angel Lexi: On All Hallow’s Eve, I am back to play tricks and get treats. So tonight, I am reclaiming my blog. That’s right, my blog! This is the night before All Saint’s Day, the day where I will be especially remembered and prayers will go up for me and a candle lit to show I am still the light of the world and star of the stage to show my spirit still shines brightly in the hearts of those who love me. So tonight I will partake of a little mischief. I would rather partake of Kahlua and cream, but there is no cream in the refrigerator. Angel Lexi: Lookout, Xena, here I come. You may eat raw meat every day, but I have not yet had my fill of blood. Eating kibble all my life has left me very, very thirsty. (in best Bela Lugosi voice) I come to suck your…oh forget it, that’s just too corny, even for me. Now, where was I? Tonight, Xena, you become like me!

Xena: You mean I am going to become an Angel?

Angel Lexi: No! You will be a Vampire Dog!

Xena: Aghhhh! Help!

Angel Lexi: There is no help for you. You will crave blood, fresh blood. Now go get some blood! (And bring me all the meat from the fridge.)

Xena: Oh, Mo-o-ommy… hold me, Mommy, hold me close.

Happy Halloween! Be sure to visit LLB in our Backyard’s Haunted House Blog hop!

Vampire Dogs Angel Lexi the Schnauzer and Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

Party Like It’s Halloween!

Riley with mask


Can I go first, Amy? Yes? OK. This is Riley. No one told me about the Halloween party at Dory’s. Now I am all dressed up and have nowhere to go. Hey, maybe my Dad will take me trick or treating. I love, love, love little kids, and I would get to see a lot of them if I go out tonight! *paws crossed*







Piper and his gorgeous date Shelby from the Corkscott clan enjoyed the great food, drinks and other anipals at Dory’s Halloween party today. In fact, I think they are still partying! This was a first date, folks, so I can’t wait to see if they hit it off. I know Piper was more than a bit nervous, but he is such a sweet boy, I’ll bet Shelby was a bit taken with him. *fingers crossed for him*

Lexi popped into Dory’s Halloween party and, as she commented there, “I am back for the party ’cause there are so many good food things and all my friends are gathered together in one place, but please don’t think I turned into a vampire dog when I died. I am not really a vampire! It is just a really great look for All Hallow’s Eve! Bwahahahaha – I have come to suck your blood. (barked in Transylvanian accent, of course)”

Hmmm. It seems like there is something just wrong about the title Angel Vampire, don’t you think? Happy Halloween, my sweet girl.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween, with no unexpected “bites”!