Happy World Unicorn Day

Thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Angel Lexi: National Unicorn Day on April 9th each year celebrates the mythical horse-like creature with a single, pointed horn growing from the center of its forehead. Some day, many years from now, perhaps I’ll move from applauded and celebrated to mystical, like Spike.

Me and my buddy Spike up here with the Big Guy

May all your days be full of rainbows and unicorns.

Awww Monday’s Birthday Boy!

Thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

Hi! It’s me, Riley! I’m RiBoy, the BDay boy today! And I’m 13 years young. Mom Amy’s got a special treat for all my friends…13 pictures of me! She’s gonna start with when I was just a whippersnapper, and work her way up to now. I hope you enjoy them!

Clockwise (Mom Amy told me how to do clockwise)
1. My first week in my new home, November 2010
2. My first birthday, May 1, 2011
3. Me with my girlfriend Maebe in 2012. We’d been working on our joint Freestyle routine. A few days later when we got to the venue where we were to perform, Maebe dumped me and wouldn’t even do our routine. (She found out I’d been making eyes at a gorgeous white standard poodle.)
4. Me with my boy. He and his Mom and my person Andrew lived with us for 2 years. I moved out with them when they left. I’ve been back to stay several time since then, and I’m pretty sure this is my real home again.

Here we go with years 2014 through 2017
1. Me and Lucy were great friends (and still are) and played together and sometimes even ran away together. Mom always found us.
2. That’s me and My Person Andrew up at Rock City for Rocktoberfest.
3. 2016 is the year Lexi crossed the bridge. We’re at My Person Andrew’s house. I was telling her everything was going to be ok.
4. Me and my Little Buddy Piper in 2017. He joined Lexi the next year.

  1. Me, Lucy and Xena. I think Xena’s a bit afraid of me, so that would be why she doesn’t bother me much. Here, taken in 2020 we’re the 3 amigos!
  2. Chia appeared on the scene, as they say, and brought out the puppy in all of us.
  3. This is from Christmas last year (2022). I got my Racky D, and he’s only the second stuffie who I haven’t deadied. Right now he’s soaking up some sun in a lawn chair in the dog lot. I might go out and play with him.
  4. Chia can be braver than she is smart. Earlier this year she slid off the top of the couch onto my back, pulled the blanket down to make a bed and settled in for a nap. On me! I decided to let this travesty go and save my energy for bigger fish, as they say.

I hope you enjoyed my meander down memory lane in pictures. I hear My Person Andrew is coming over after work today, and I think there may be an order in for pizza. I love my raw diet…I’ve never had such a good appetite as for that food. I come running every morning and evening when I hear it being prepared. But pizza…*drool*

Hoping to see you again in May 2024 and lots of times in between!

Big wags! Riley the Birthday Boy

Health Updates on Thankful Thursday

First, a big thanks to Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday!

Hey friends, this is Riley. My first thankful today is that I get to do a post a lot more since Xena took over the blog. Angel Lexi was very selfish with her blog, and only grudgingly let anyone else (me) post anything. So thanks, little sis.

My second thankful is even better. It has two parts.
Part one: My Person Andrew came with me and Mom Amy to the vet for me to get my diagnostic X-rays and an ultrasound on my tummy and chest. It was to see if I had a heart murmur or what was going on. Even though I was really high on some good sh*t Mom Amy gave me, I still knew he was there with me and it made me feel even more good than the drugs.

Part two: The tests showed no fluid in my abdomen or in my chest. It did show my heart is slightly enlarged, but all y’all already know I have a big heart, right? *grin* No heart drugs or anything else is needed. I’m feeling good and am eating all I can get ahold of and playing with Chia a little bit and also my stuffies. Hey, I’m gonna be 13 in just under a month, woohoo! Hope I get something good for my birthday!!

Xena: Thanks Riley. I’m glad you understand this is still my blog that I inherited from Angel Lexi. And you can use it anytime you want, since you inherited the position of alpha dog from her.

I’m gonna be real thankful when my right ear is back to normal. The culture the vet place did showed it’s full of yeast, but no bacteria. the new med that Mommy has to put in my ear every day hasn’t helped at all. So now — because we’re at the “end of our rope” — I have to take a half a pill called prednisone. I sure hope that works. I hear everyone gets extra hungry when they take that pill, but I’m a schnauzer, meaning I’m always extra hungry!

Those are our Thankfuls, so next up is our picture poem! Oh, and thanks to Angel Sammy for another great picture.

Angel Lexi the Schnauzer by Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

An empty slate, like an empty plate,
Always leaves you wanting more.
It’s so unfulfilling and makes you unwilling
To turn around and walk out the door.

Our Angel Lexi took steps whence she
Could fill the void on the wall
Our hearts still miss her, our wonderful sister,
But she still has the power to enthrall.

Thanks to  Angel Sammy for giving us a blank slate to work with today!

February Challenge on Wordy Wednesday: Lexi, the Therapy Dog

Love. That’s what this month is about. That’s what this post is about.

Lexi spent ten years of her life going the third Thursday of every month (except November, when it always fell on Thanksgiving) to T.C. Thompson’s Children’s Hospital in Chattanooga. Sometimes I took her, and every once in a while the children’s director at the church where I worked asked to take her.

As an aside, I usually visited with the quilting group at the church every Thursdays, except the third one. Lexi would always come with me, and the ladies always made a fuss over her. On one of the third Thursdays that the children’s director had taken Lexi to do her “therapizing,” an older lady asked for Lexi’s whereabouts. I told her Lexi had gone to the children’s hospital to do her “therapizing”. The lady sat very quietly for a moment, then said, “Well, I knew she’s talented, but goodness, I didn’t know she could drive.”

It didn’t really matter who took her; we were just her means of getting to where she needed to be. After receiving her first treat, she took on her demeanor as a therapy dog and it was all business…and love.

One little girl, Kennedy, was there more often than not throughout the many years we visited. We watched her grow, we watched her struggle. During one visit, we walked into Kennedy’s room, where she had her head covered, crying. Lexi jumped on the bed, and the therapy pet coordinator said, “Look who’s here, Kennedy.” She pulled the covers down and a huge smile brightened her face. She grabbed Lexi in a big hug and held her against her chest. Lexi hated being hugged, but understanding how much Kennedy needed this, just laid there, held tight without a struggle until the little girl finally released her.

Lexi also did therapy at Siskin Physical Rehab in Chattanooga. Two incidents immediately come to mind. They both happened on the same day

In the hallway before entering a rehab area, an older man stood guard. He looked down and just stared at Lexi. “I’ve never much liked dogs, been scared of them all my life. I’ve never petted any of the dogs that come here. But this one here, she’s special. May I pet her?” I picked up Lexi so he could pet her, and he continued, “I used to be a pastor, and I do believe that the good Lord sent her.”

In the room, a young man sat in a wheelchair with his therapist standing next to him. After getting his permission, I gently set Lexi in his lap. She sat there while he pet her and the rest of us visited. We usually spent about five minutes with different patients at the rehab. This time, I suddenly realized 15 minutes had passed, with Lexi pawing at the young man’s hand every time he stopped petting her. This was unusual for her. As we walked away I overheard the man’s therapist say, “That was so good! You actually moved your hand!” I will never know how Lexi always knew just what each patient needed.

On the anniversary of Lexi’s tenth year at T.C. Thompson, I got permission for my husband to come along and take videos. Each person and their guardian gave permission to so this. This was planned to be our last visit, as Lexi was already suffering from the cancer that took her a short three months later.

Thanks to  Comedy Plus for hosting Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

February Challenge: Mom and Lexi

Love. That’s what this month is about. That’s what this post is about.

Nan wasn’t raised with a dog, and was a bit scared of them. I got my Mom a little dog from the shelter as her gift for retiring from nursing. She wasn’t sure about keeping her until Nan, said, “Aww, Marion, can’t we please keep her?” So they did.

I wish Nan had known Lexi. She would have loved her.

Years after Nan had passed, Mom finally moved here to Chattanooga into an apartment I had just vacated. I had bought a house only a block or so away. She was in her mid-80’s at that time, and I did not know how unsteady she was, and that dementia was setting in. She was able to hide it on my trips to western PA to visit. Mom delighted in Lexi staying with her in her apartment while I was at work. Mom was usually still in bed in the early morning when I dropped Lexi off, so I would let her in and she would stay with Mom in bed until it was time to get up. One afternoon when I stopped to pick up Lexi after work and visit a bit with Mom, she told me that she hadn’t felt good earlier. She said she was sitting on the edge of her bed when Lexi reached over and put her paw on Mom’s leg. Remember, Lexi was a therapy dog, and they know when someone is hurting or sick; they seem to know what to do. Mom said Lexi helped her feel better, and noted, “She’s a kind schnauzer.”

I noticed that Mom was going through her favorite jam that she used on her toast every morning. She admitted to me that she always made Lexi a piece of toast and jam to eat with her. Since I knew it was useless to try to persuade Mom to stop, I bought Lexi her own, inexpensive, apple jelly. A couple of weeks later I thought to ask Mom how Lexi liked the apple jelly. “Oh,” Mom replied, ” I’m eating that because Lexi likes the black raspberry jam better.” Yes, my Mom loved Lexi.

When Mom fell in the middle of the night, pulling the TV down on her, she wasn’t badly hurt, but it was time to move her to assisted living. She ended up falling there, too, and breaking her hip. She never recovered from that, and ended up in a nursing home. One day I received a call from the home that Mom had aspirated on something she was eating and was unconscious. They didn’t know if she would waken. I immediately called my son and then my husband, asking them to come quickly and bring Lexi. As we sat in chairs on each side of the bed, just waiting, my son and me crying, Lexi sat on the bottom of the bed staring at her grandma. Suddenly, Mom opened her eyes, looked down to the bottom of the bed, and with a huge smile, cried out, “Lexi!”

Today I am celebrating the joy that Lexi brought into my mother’s life, and the love they shared.

“On This Day” on Awww Monday

Many thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

Xena: Hey Lucy, you know Mommy gets pictures of “On this Day” emailed to her from OneDrive. They’re so nice to do that, he, he! You’ll never guess what she got today from 2015! Wait, I’ll show you.

Lucy: Isn’t that Angel Lexi?
Xena: Sure is. I heard she hated wearing clothes, especially costumes.
Lucy: You know she’s probably going to give you nightmares for showing everyone this.
Xena: Mommy wait! Don’t hit Publish!
Lucy: Too late, Dream Bait.
Xena: I’m never going to sleep again.

It’s Noodle’s Birthday

 Thanks to The Kitties Blue for hosting Sunday Selfies every week!

If you remember our Lexi the Schnauzer, you probably remember her boyfriend Noodle. Today we are giving him the Sunday Selfie spot.

This photo is from a year ago. Noodle’s Mom no longer has a blog for him, but she does have a FB page. So where are we going with this? Today is Noodle’s 12th birthday! If you like, you can drop by here to wish him a happy birthday.

Noodle was going to be Lexi’s VM when she won the mayoral election (I have to say “when”, since she would have been extremely upset if I had said “if.”):

And he took her on some very romantic trips:

So today, we celebrate Noodle!

FFF: The Show Opening by Lexi the Schnauzer

This is fiction in that I, servant of my dogs, have written it from the dog’s perspective. You will know what in it is true and what is my speculation of her thoughts and feeling. The final line has two connotations. As many know, we lost our Lexi in May of 2016.

The Show opened!

That’s me in the middle

Last night the show I’m in–the Wizard of Oz– opened and I got to perform on-stage for the first time ever! It was a Thursday night and there were a lot of older people, which was great, since I really relate to that age bracket. I have had lots of practice with my Grandma, after all. Dorothy was about to take me out on stage with the old-looking new leash she had gotten for the part when Jeffery the director said, “No. We aren’t using a leash.” You should have seen the looks on both my Dorothy and my Mom’s faces. Dorothy took a deep breath and I think Mom started praying. No one knew what I would do since I had never been able to show them that I am a born actor. We had rehearsed a lot and I knew my part and did it. When I first ran out to Dorothy on cue and the audience breathed a collective sigh of “Awwwwww,” that sealed it. I knew I had found my calling. I would have done anything to hear that again. Then when I stole the hot dog from the stick like I was supposed to do and everyone laughed, I knew I loved this job more than anything. Dorothy had treats hidden in her socks and gave me lots of them during the play. Mom helped by always waiting off-stage where I was supposed to run when it was time and she always had a treat for me too. I think I am in heaven.

LexiToto the happy Schnauzer

If you wish to join in Final Friday Fiction, follow the link here.

Publicity Pictures: By Lexi the Schnauzer

This is the fourth in our series of blogs about when Lexi was the theater dog. In this one, she is just beginning to feel the importance of her new role as the star of the show…

Publicity pictures


August 19, 2006

I got to go back to the Theatre Center and got interviewed by someone from a newspaper. I tried to answer some of the questions but I think the lady only wrote down what Mommy said. I had my picture taken a bunch with Dorothy. I decided I like having my picture taken and posed very nicely outside right next to Dorothy’s red shoes. All of her they got in the picture was her red shoes. Ha, ha, won’t she be surprised! The camera lady said I was very photogenic. What’s photogenic?

I sure hope some puppy doesn’t peepee on my picture!

When I was a young pup and having a great time chewing to shreds my potty paper, who would have thought that some day I would be featured in a newspaper?  Yep, there I am, posing so beautifully with Dorothy on the front page of the Lifestyle section of the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Maybe the lady will give some of the pictures to my Mommy and she will put them on my web page.

I followed Dorothy everywhere during rehearsal. I was soooo excited to see her. She came over to my house last week and played with me. Then she came back another day just to take me for ice cream. I wonder how she knew I love ice cream best of all? She is my special friend now. I heard her talking to Mommy about coming to see me again. She is going to come pick me up from my Grandma’s. Dorothy said something about taking me on TV with her. That sounds so silly. Why on earth would she want to be on a TV? I hope I don’t have to sit on the TV. It is up a little too high and I might fall off. I am not a cat, you know.

I love rehearsal now. I get lots and lots of treats. And lots and lots of petting and “good girls”. But especially lots of treats. Everyone is very impressed that I bark when Mommy tells me. Once she remembered the right word to tell me to bark, I understood and now I bark every time she says it. It goes back to me learning to “stay” while we were at the park. First Mom would tell me to “heel,” then “sit,” then “stay.” When it was ok for me to get up again, Mom would say, “free!” The first thing I would do when she said “free” was to jump up and bark, then take off running. So now when Mom wants me to bark, all she has to do is say “free!”

It is late and I want to go to bed now. I always get a treat at bedtime!

Woof, woof! (And a special woof at the witch’s old hat!!)


Being Toto Isn’t Easy: By Lexi the Schnauzer

We’re very thankful to Fivesibes for hosting Flashback Friday! This is the third in our series of blogs about when Lexi was the theater dog. In this one, rehearsal has just begun for her new role as the star of the show…

Being Toto isn’t easy


Man, easy street is over for LexiToto (me). I have to go to rehearsals and get dragged out to Dorothy where she always picks me up. I’m not liken that at all. I have to memorize my lines – mostly woof! It’s getting the knack of when to say “woof” especially after a life-time of being told to stop barking.

But then everything changed. Dorothy came to my house! and she played ball with me! and she played platy (platypus) hand puppet with me! and she took me for a walk! and she gave me new treats! She even understands dog-speak!! And she sang to me too! I heard her tell Mom she’s not going to pick me up any more because I don’t like it. Ya know, maybe she’s ok after all. Then we went to the meat market and the butcher came out to see me and brought me a big bone. It is so big I can hardly lift it, and boy oh boy is it good!

Mom got me this super yummy treat that is soft and tastes like peanut butter. She keeps making me roll over on my side before she will give me any. I don’t like that. It doesn’t feel right. She said something about poppies and looking like I am asleep. Right now, I am hoping she gives up on this “over” thing. What are poppies?

See y’all at the theatre soon!


I’m Toto! by Lexi the Schnauzer

We’re very thankful to Fivesibes for hosting Flashback Friday! This is the second in our series of blogs about when Lexi was the theater dog. In this one, she’s still preparing for her new role as the star of the show…

I might be Toto


Oh boy, I aced my audition to be Toto in the local production of the Wizard of Oz. I am not quite sure what that means, but Mom said that a lot of people will love me. I like that, so I am going to work real hard with Mom before we go so I can be the best Toto ever. (What’s a Toto?) Now I know all my commands with just hand signals. I can sit and down and here and stay and heel and twirl. Mom has started telling me to bark, which is really confusing since she is always telling me to NOT bark. I wish she would make up her mind.

I went to Grandma’s this morning before Mom went to work, but the screen door was locked so Mom took me back home and I had to stay by myself all day. I didn’t even get my toast with jam from my Grandma. I made up for it by tearing something up and pooping upstairs. So there! It really seemed like a good idea at the time. But, when Mom came home, I felt bad because I knew I shouldn’t have done those things and I was afraid she would yell at me and call me a “bad dog.” I hate that. She didn’t yell or anything. She just picked it all up and then worked with me to get ready for this Toto thing. I got lots of treats, too. Hmmm. I think I like this Toto thing better all the time.

I will let you know when I find out what Toto is. Woof! Woof!

Lexi, now Toto too

My audition: by Lexi the Schnauzer

We’re thankful to Fivesibes for hosting Flashback Friday! For the next few Fridays we are going to feature the original author and creator of this blog, our angel sister, Lexi the Schnauzer and her time in the theater. Today we will start with the beginning…

My audition


I had my audition today to be Toto in the Wizard of Oz. It was no big deal. No, really. I am not just being modest. Come on, think about it— me, modest? Mom just asked me to do some stuff I do for her all the time anyhow, like sit, down, stay, heel, twirl. The guy that was watching me do all this asked Mom if I would walk with him, so she gave the yummy bologna to him and he asked me to heel. He was real impressed, but what did he think, that I was going to let him walk away with my bologna? No way! Anyhow, I have to go back on Wednesday to play with the rest of the cast. He said something about they would all want to feed me cookies. I don’t care if I have to sit or lay down for cookies. I sit and lay around a lot anyhow, so again, no big deal. Cookies and bologna…I knew this Toto thing was going to be good.

Oh, and better yet, this guy wants Mom to let my hair grow out. You know what that means don’t you? No grooming!!!! It only keeps getting better and better. Now, if only I don’t have to take baths, either…

“I’m off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.” What’s Oz?

Woof, woof!

Lexi, the new Toto

Xena’s Thankful Thursday at Bedtime

Today we are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday, with special thanks to Brian for hosting it!

Daddy, thank you for sitting here on the arm of the couch so I have something to lean my back against. It’s mighty comfy here on my princess couch pillow.

Look at those two slackers. You’d think it was bedtime.


Well, I’m thankful for my sister Lucy and for Riley, too.

*yawn* Maybe it is bedtime. I’m thankful for my soft couch pillow and for my soft big bed I share wih you and Mommy.

Chia: Get outa the way, sister. I want that spot with my Dad. Move!

Xena: I can’t wait until that pup goes to the Manners Matter class with Mommy. She’ll probably have to take it about 87 times. Daddy, go ahead and put that long mess in my kennel for the night and I’ll meet you in the bedroom with Mommy.

Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

The Sunday Selfie Five

We are happy to join The Cat on My Head for Sunday Selfies.

Today we are starting with the founder and original author of this blog, our Angel sister, Lexi the Schnauzer.

Now we each get to take a turn so there’s no resentment or fighting. Since I, Xena, am the schnauzer who inherited this blog, I get to go next. Yesterday I got my monthly groom and weekly bath so I could look nice for you.

Don’t you just love how Mommy made my picture extra special to make me the focus of your attention?

You wanna guess what happened next? All of a sudden, Larry the Lemur, who had been missing since June, appeared from a field of flowers on our back porch! But where did the flowers come from!?

I was never very crazy about Larry, but he seemed changed. He said he’s been hiding because of Chia. Yep, I get that.

And can you guess what happened next? Chia zoomed past me, grabbing up Larry on her way.

Larry’s worst fears came true. Chia’s mouth is open, ready to deadie my stuffie. It was like the movie Nightmare on Elm Street. Do you see him covering his head to try to protect himself? Chia wouldn’t give him up to Mommy, so Mommy pulled her tail. When she looked back to see what was happening, Mommy grabbed Larry and helped him find a high place to hide again. Hey Chia, that was your turn for your selfie, BOL!

Riley’s up next. Mommy gave him a bath in the big tub yesterday, and she hurt her back trying to get all 75 pounds of him out of the tub. She told him he was on his own and left him there. Obviously, he did. (She’s going to the chiro doctor tomorrow.) Anyhoo, Riley said it was his nap time, so just get this picture thing over with. Riley, you’re not gonna get very far with that attitude!

Riley: Grrr.
Xena: OK, big buddy, all done!

Finally, we have Lucy, who wanted us to make her picture pretty like mine.

That’s all of us! So, who do you think has the prettiest picture. If you vote for me, I’ll…

Lucy: Xena! You’re doing it again! It’s not a contest!! And there’s no voting, either.

Xena: Well, if it was, Chia would lose.

XOXOX Lucy, Riley, Chia and Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess.

The Alleged Snake on Awww Monday

We are joining Comedy Plus with much thanks for hosting Awww Mondays and hoping even snakes qualify as awws, BOL.

Xena: So Lucy, remember that snake I barked at in our dog lot last summer? Or maybe it was two summers ago. I’ve lost track of time since we’ve all been home together for over a year. But do you remember?

Lucy: Sorta. You stood there barking until Mom took a look and told you to leave it alone. Are you trying to say the snake we all saw last night – and that brother Andrew saw over the weekend – is the same one that you saw one or two summers ago?

Xena: I think so. It’s grown, too! And it held perfectly still just like when I barked at it in the dog lot. I think Andrew eggzagerated when he showed us how big around it was!

Daddy was quick and got a picture. Him and Mommy got up pretty close to it for a good look-see and declared it safe, just like Mommy used to do when her boys were little. Andrew stayed down in the driveway. Mommy says him and his big brother Adam used to play with snakes when they were kids. They would bring them in the house and play with them on the kitchen counter until it was time for their dad – not our dad, they had a different dad back then – to come home from work. He was scared of snakes, so they had to take the snakes back to where they found them and let them go. Nothing ever got mentioned that snakes had been in the house playing with the kids.

Lucy: I don’t think this one’s coming in. It’s gotta be about eight feet long. I think it’s got it’s own home under the shed, and maybe some babies of it’s own, too. Mom and Dad both said it’s a garter snake. It’ll eat the rodents and some of the bugs and lizards around here.

Xena: No! I don’t want it to eat my lizards! They’re my lizards. We play the hunt game together every day.

They’re MY lizards, now! Hissssssssss.

Fun on Dr. Seuss Day

Thanks to Timmy of Tomcat Commentary, Ranger of The Adventures of Ranger, and Emmy of 15andmeowing for hosting a super fun Dr. Seuss Day blog hop!

Xena: Did you know this is Dr. Seuss Day, Lucy? All kinds of weird and fun things can happen today. Let’s pose for a fun picture.

Don’t look so freaked out. Here, I got us some Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat hats. Let’s put them on and try another picture.

That’s lots better, Lucy. Lucy? Are you there? Are we here? I’m, I’m starting to feel weird. What’s happening? Do you feel it?

What the? Where are we? What happened? I don’t feel like myself.

We’re not at home anymore, Xexe. (And we’re not in Kansas, either.) It’s like these hats are magical. Don’t look back, but there’s a transparent cat behind us on the couch. I think it’s the REAL Cat in the Hat.

So you wanna chase him?

No! Anyhow he’s gone now. What do you think we should do?

Look! When I get on the couch, the Dr. Seuss saying changes to be just for me!

Oops, there goes my hat.

Yep, that sure is you, little sis. Hop down and let me try it!

Dr. Seuss must know I love to get my teeth brushed and I want to keep them all, so they all get brushed! Say, did you hear that noise? I think someone’s coming…they’re getting closer…and closer…*shudder*

Let’s make a run for it!

Riley: What are y’all doin’ with those silly hats on? Come play with me, Lucy.

Our Angel Lexi lived by many of Dr. Seuss’ sayings. Here she is with one of her favorites.

POTP for Ella

Lucy: My BFF in the whole wide world needs your prayers, your good thoughts, your anything that will help. Here is what her Mama, who is my Aunty Jen, found in her mouth on New Year’s Eve.

Besides the pink thing hanging down over her upper teeth, just below and on the right of it is a discolored piece hanging down, too. When she went to her vet today (Saturday), the dogtor found another discolored one growing up over a back bottom tooth, too. The vet wasn’t too worried about the big pink one. She said this happens to boxers, and they are harmless. But the discolored one on the bottom bothered her. Aunty Jen is going to get a biopsy and maybe some x-rays or something else like that done, probably on Monday. My Mom cried and cried, thinking about her Angel Lexi. Those of you who have been with us a while will remember when Mom found this, only five days since she had last looked in Lexi’s mouth:

This fast-spreading melanoma was first seen on May 9, 2016. Despite everyone’s best efforts to save her, by September 4th, she was gone.

So please, send POTP to Ella. She heard my Mom say my name over the phone today and she started looking for me. She’s only 8 or 9 years old, and I don’t know what I’ll do without her…


Wordy Wednesday Skype-ing

Thanks to Comedy Plus 
for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Since March of this year, so many folks who never “attended” an on-line meeting or used that type of media are now old hands at it. Our precious Angel Lexi, always a precocious schnauzer, was way ahead of the curve in her use of social media, and I don’t mean just blogging. It seems timely to revisit her skype call with her boyfriend Noodle. Be sure to hit the little square on the bottom right to go to full screen and have your sound on. You’ll probably have to watch it twice to catch the text portion as well as the video portion. (At least we had to, it goes by quicky.)
Lexi the Schnauzer and Noodle (of Noodle for President) talk about their Valentine’s date and future plans. Enjoy!

Remembering Lexi

Many thanks to Deb Barnes of Zee and Zoey’s Cat Chronicles, author of Purr Prints of the Heart – A Cat’s Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond,  and founder of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. And to Ann at Zoolatry for hosting this blog hop.

Puppy Lexi
Lexi got her first title in Freestyle Competition in 2016.
Lexi was often used as a prop “the little German dog” at the month-long Rocktoberfest event.
Lexi had to drop out of the Blogville mayoral race due to poor health.

Lexi had many jobs. One was to come to the Methodist church where I worked, where she was loved by everyone. When she passed, the pastor held a memorial service for her, and everyone and their dogs were invited. This short video was taken outside of the church shortly before she crossed the rainbow bridge from the Big C at age 13. Warning: she is barking in it

Lexi was a different personality with whatever was asked of her. She knew her roles, and threw her entire self into each one. This video sums up her joy in life (look at her smile with the children) and her innate desire to bring joy to others.

I know that my heart-dog, my partner, is somewhere over the rainbow, still busy doing the things she loves.

Lexi the Schnauzer: May 7, 2003 – September 4, 2016

I love you, darling girl and think of you often. Your Mom