Xena Went to the Chiro on Awww Monday

So Mom found a new chiropractor and he works on dogs. He was even interviewed on TV once about it!

Of course, she hauled me in there. She said it wouldn’t hurt and that he would talk my ears off. Note to self: hang onto my ears.

And then I had to wait and wait and wait. I could hear him talking someone else’s ears off.

Mommy, I don’t think he’s coming. Maybe we should just go home. Isn’t it time for supper? Oops, here he comes.

I have to get on the table? Is there food up there? A good view? Oh, OK. Just don’t talk my ears off.
Why am I here? Well, you see, I’ve been diagnosed with luxating patella in both my knees. Sometimes one of them pops out while we’re on a walk and I have to hop and shake that leg to get it to go back in. And sometimes they take turns popping out during the walks, depends on how far we’re walking and how hard the walk is and how I slept on them the night before. Sometimes it helps to get treats as we go and so Mommy always needs to carry a lot of treats in one of her empty poop bags. And I’m here cause Mommy put me in the car and brought me here, not cause I wanna be here. But I’m here, so do what you do except don’t make my ears fall off. And then I’ll go home and get my supper.

Dr. C: My goodness she talks a lot. And why did she say to not make her ears fall off?

The Mom: She’s a schnauzer.

Thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

Chia the Mover on Awww Monday

I wanted to see outside. I was tired of the same old view through the windows while sitting on the loveseat. It was very limiting. I saw the chair at Mom’s desk. It even had a nice soft pillow on it. So I moved it over and positioned it so I could sit in it and watch out the window.

Oh, hi Mom. Not doing anything, just the usual neighborhood watch. How’d the chair get over here? I put it here. What’s the big deal? You weren’t using it.

Sure, you can take my picture for Awww Monday. I get a treat for it, right? And tell everyone I said “Hey!”

Many thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

Xena’s Unexpected Present on Awww Monday

It was Christmas morning, and we were all waiting for Andrew and Jentry to come over so we could open presents. I decided to take a little nap in my bed that’s in the big bedroom. I nodded off for a while, and when I woke up, there was a surprise in my bed.

Do y’all remember Chia’s octopus stuffie, “Smiley?” Yep, there he was, big as life, laying with me in my bed. Mom walked in and I asked, “Do you know why Smiley is sleeping with me?”
She said Chia had laid it there, and it was Chia’s Christmas present to me.

She’ll probably want Smiley back later, but that’s ok. Now I can grab it and yell, “Mine!” and Chia can chase me and grab it and yell, “Mine!” and we can have fun playing. Did anyone else get something unexpected for Christmas?

Many thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday! And Happy, Happy New Year to everyone!!

Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

Lucy’s Awww Monday

Good morning friends. Let’s start with a great big thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

I had a nightmare. It was truly gruesome. No, it wasn’t about Chia. In my dream I was watching a movie, and it came to life. See if this isn’t one of your worst nightmares, too.

Best wishes for everyone to find food on the floor.

Your friend, Lucy

Xena’s Failed Selfie Sunday on Awww Monday

Daddy, isn’t Mommy coming out to take my selfie on your lap? She needs to hurry. I just ate and I’m getting sleepy.

A few minutes later…

Jeff: Amy, I think it’s too late for a selfie.
Amy: I’ll catch her or maybe Chia wanting their pictures taken a little later.

A little later”….sleeping with stuffies…

Many thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday, and to The Cat on My Head, for hosting Sunday Selfies (even if we are a day late and not much of a selfie!)

Grooming with Mom: Sir

Many thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday! And thanks to all my readers for joining me in another episode of Grooming with Mom.

As far as new clients go, it’s been pretty quiet around here. But we, er, Groomer Mom, got a new one! Groomer Mom think it’s interesting to hear how each new client finds Small Dog Grooming. In this case, her husband was driving to a client’s home and passed the sign that’s currently leaning against a telephone pole next to the driveway.

Sir is a 5 or 6-year-old wire haired fox terrier mix. He’ a rescue who was being fostered by an elderly woman. Unfortunately, the woman is in the hospital and probably will be unable to continue to care for Sir. Another lady heard about this and offered to take him in as a foster dog. She has never had a dog or cat in her life, and never thought she would. She said she didn’t want to get attached to an animal and then mourn them when they eventually passed. But she’s changing her mind. She’s already in love with this sweet pup.

When he first arrived with his foster Mom, he settled in Groomer Mom’s arms, belly up, and looked like he would be happy to stay here forever. Groomer Mom’s heart melted and she said if she didn’t already have four dogs…

Sir’s Foster Mom stayed and solicited and got lots of advice on dog care while she was here. Sir hadn’t been eating much, so Groomer Mom took a look at his teeth and found out why. They weren’t just covered in tartar and plaque, one was actually wobbly. Ewww. So his Foster Mom was going to make an appointment the next day to get him a dental ASAP.

Before they left, another appointment was set for six weeks away. We’re hoping to see lots more of sweet Sir!

Lucy, Ace Reporter, signing off with *wags* from another episode of Grooming with Mom.

Riley on Awww Monday

Thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

Riley: What Mom Amy? Stop licking my paw and come outside with everyone?

Well, you know how much I like laying on this rug you put in front of the couch. It’s nicer than laying on the floor when I want to be with everyone… Oh, OK, if you insist.

First, would you get a picture of me in my nifty new leather collar to show all my friends?

It’s got my name on it so everyone knows who I am and two phone numbers on it so folks can call for a ride home for me when I’m done playing with their little kids!

Hey, Lucy! I didn’t know you were out here. Whatcha up to?

Lucy: Hey Ri, just tryin’ to avoid Chia…you know what that’s like.

Riley: C’mere Chia. Stop lookin’ at Lucy. Don’t you want to play in the big league?

Chia: Big league? Yep, yep, yep, yep!! Count me in!!!

I want to play, I want to be the ump; no, wait, I want to chase the ball. Yep, that’s it, I want to be the ball chaser. What are you gonna do? I wanna do what you’re gonna do. Can I? Can I? You wanna wrestle, too?
Lucy: Can I play, too?


Chia: Thanks, Riley, I had a great day. Let me know when you’re ready to play some more!

Riley: Someone remind me to never again spend a day (or part of a day) playing with Chia.

Grooming with Mom: Plus One, Minus Two

Thanks for joining us for another episode of Grooming with Mom. I’m here to tell you about a new groom, a pup who is moving, and a senior citizen who will soon cross the rainbow bridge.
Let’s start off with the Happy News.


One of our current clients got a new four-month-old puppy. Brinkley, shown below, is still figuring out how this whole not-the-only-dog-anymore thing is going to work.

While Brinley was home waiting to see if Marr was coming back, Marr was here getting his first haircut. Here he is at his home before he was groomed.

Marr is a Multipoo. He came to us with a lot of fleas hidden down under all that soft, fluffy hair, and a lot of hair and crusty dirt in both ears. Per his Dad’s instructions, Groomer Mom did not trim his crazy ears or his tail. She used the choppers (a funny kind of scissors) to remove a lot of that hair and trimmed his face. He came out looking like this.

Yep, crazy ears. And a little bit of hair still sticking up under his eyes, cause Groomer Mom said it was more important for him to keep his eyes than for her to get all the hair, BOL! Except for that, for a puppy, he was very calm and good on the table. We look forward to seeing both Marr and Brinkley back in the months to come.


Next to come visit was Dora. She and her schnauzer sister Maggie have been coming to get groomed since May of 2013. Maggie crossed the Bridge a year ago last April.

When Dora showed up last Saturday, her Mom said, “I’ve got to talk to you first.” She had been trying to get up the nerve to take Dora to the vet one last time. Her husband suggested that she go ahead with the grooming appointment and talk to Groomer Mom about it. She explained that Dora was blind and deaf, was incontinent, and ever since losing her sister Maggie, has had absolutely nothing to do with either of her pawrents.

Dora (L) and Maggie 2018

Looking down at Dora in her lap where Groomer Mom had set her, Dora’s Mom said this was the first time Dora was even sitting with her. With a heavy heart, Groomer Mom tried to give her the affirmation she needed to put this 17-year-old shih tzu at peace. Groomer Mom said there was no sense putting Dora through the stress of a groom, so with Dora in her Mom’s lap, she only clipped the hair covering Dora’s eyes so her Mom could see her better. Tuesday, Dora will be reunited with her sister Maggie on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts are heavy.


Sunday, Markel aka Baby Dog, came to get groomed. As his Mom held him in the nail sling, she told Groomer Mom that she had accepted a job about 2 hours from here and would be leaving in 2 weeks. She said she felt like she had only just found Groomer Mom (read about it here) and didn’t know what she was going to do for a groomer there. She had previously experience terrible haircuts for her boy.

Baby Dog ‘s first groom here in June of 2022. Letting hair on top of nose grow out where previous groomer had shaved it.

Groomer Mom scissored his legs quite a bit shorter and also his beard some shorter to help it last a bit longer if needed. She told his Mom that if she was back in town with him and he needed a groom, just give her a call. We’re going to miss Baby Dog.

Groomer Mom has been grooming dogs from her home since 1993, taking a 10 year break (except for grooming her own schnauzer, Lexi) after she moved. She resumed grooming in 2013 with Maggie and Dora as her first clients. It feels like an end of an era. And perhaps, with the new puppies showing up, it is the beginning of a new era!

This is Lucy signing off on Awww Monday, with thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting it.

Chia’s Awww Monday

Hi friends. Or are you? No one, no not one of you, has come to rescue me from jail. Well, I’m gonna just assume no one could get a ride…

I’ve accepted my fate, and just go in the kennel now when I come in from pottying. Then I get a kennel treat and sometimes whine for a while before I give up again. Oh, and I’m also being tortured with this plastic cone thing around my head.
Saturday night, Dad held me for a long time while he and Mom watched Netflix.

Can you see where I’m sewed back together right under Dad’s finger?

When he put me back in jail, he didn’t realize that Xena was in my kennel (jail). So I had to share it with her until Mom started looking for her at bedtime. Sunday morning when I got out of jail to go out to potty, I “cone slammed” Xena in the side of her head and neck and knocked her away from my kennel jail. Then I did it again. It worked. She stayed out of it all day.

I’m told I only have 2 more days left on my sentence before I’m released for good behavior. I still don’t know what I did to end up like this. But at least now I know that “getting spayed” means “you’re going to jail.”

I’m Chia the Convict, dictating this to Xena the Kennel Thief

Xena: And Chia says thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday and letting her tell her side of the story!

Chia, Xena and Their Dad on Awww Monday

Thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

Xena: I was just laying here, just me and Daddy, minding my own busy-ness, when…

Chia: I love you Dad, look at me. Am I your girl?

Xena: I had that whole leg, then Chia pushed me over. I use passive resistance. That way I don’t get in trouble…or bit.

Chia: Why is your hand on me? Why aren’t you scritching me? Why is your hand just laying there like it’s dead?

Xena: She’s never satisfied. I wish she’d get down if she’s not happy with what’s going on up here.

Chia: Mom, why won’t Dad look at me. He keeps staring at that stupid TV. I think I’m more interesting than the stupid TV.

Xena: *to herself* Think again, hotdog.

Chia: Hey, there’s Lucy, what’s Lucy doin’? Lucy, whatcha doin’? Wanna play?

Xena: That’s right, long one, go bother Lucy. I’m stayin’ here with my Daddy. *singing to herself* “There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no Chia wide enough, to push me away from you, Daddy.”

A Buttery Detente on Awww Monday

Lucy: Hey, Chia. check out this picture.

Maybe we could be nice countries, instead of you always attacking me and me attacking you back (in self-defense). You think it’s a fun kind of playing, but it upsets me terribly.

Chia: Whatcha gonna give me? Schnapps? Whiskey? Dog treats?
Lucy: I’ll give you a bite on the tail if you keep being a hostile country to me.
Chia: I’m calling for a detente while I think about this.
Lucy: Sounds good to me! I’ll take one with some butter on it, please.

Thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

How a Pig Celebrates His Birthday

First a big thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

We all kinda missed our cousin (?) Morty’s birthday a week ago on March 26, so his Mom (our Auntie Jen) sent us pictures to help us celebrate with him. That first picture is his watermelon cake his Mom made him.

If his Dad wanted some of that cake, he asked too late! Have you ever seen a happier looking piggie?

Happy 3rd birthday, cuz. And in “people” years we see you’re a spry 22. Wishing you many more watermelon-filled birthdays!

Your doggie cousins, Lucy, Riley and Xena

Grooming with Mom

Many thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday! And thanks to all my readers for joining me in another episode of Grooming with Mom.

Today we have a new groom to present to you, a big Aussie Doodle boy by the name of Basil. Basil’s brother, Chief, comes regularly for his grooming needs. That’s the reason Groomer Mom accepted Basil, even though he’s already bigger than any of her “small dog” grooms. Here’s Basil before his groom.

If this isn’t already Awwww-worthy, I don’t know what is! At four months he still has a lot of growing to do, which means Groomer Mom may have to decline continuing to groom him. But that decision is for the future.

Basil’s Mom and sister stayed to help. He did prove to be very difficult because 1. this was his first time on a grooming table, and 2. he’s a puppy! He had to go into the dreaded sling to get his nails and paws done. In case you don’t remember, here’s Chia in “the sling.”

Getting back to Basil, (sort of) this was the first time Groomer Mom met his Mom and sister. His Dad always brings Chief, but Basil’s appointment was for a Friday when his Dad had to work. Groomer Mom says she gets a lot of her socialization needs met from visiting with her clients, and she really enjoyed the time spent with them while they helped her with Basil. I was also called to come use my powers of Zen to help out, and I was glad to oblige. Groomer Mom forgot to get a picture of Basil when he was finished so his Mom sent us his “after” pic.

Even more adorable, right? This is Lucy, Zen Master and Ace Reporter, signing off with another successful groom.

Xena on Awww Monday

Xena: First I want to thank Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday! And show you my picture since I got groomed yesterday after going 87 months without full grooms. I sure do feel better!

Mommy says I’m her Awww Monday every Monday. *wags*

Chia: Grrrr. I wanna be her awww monday.
Xena: You are, Chia.
Chia: I am?
Xena: Yep, you’re her awwwful Monday BOL!
Chia” Grrrrrrrr.