Lucy’s Poetry and Thankful Thursday

Many thanks to Angel Sammy for the fun picture this week and to Angel Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday!

Babysitting by Lucy

The folks invited me over
To watch their little kids
While they both got plastered
And soon closed their eyelids.

The children were such angels;
Never screamed or pulled my ears.
I made them both some bagels;
They had wine but no dark beers.

I’m sure their folks will be so pleased
When they awake tomorrow
To find their small angels received
My love with care apropo.

Did you like my poem? I would like to babysit. Maybe I’ll run an ad. What do you think?

Now for my thankful. I am so very thankful that Mom and Dad chose me and Xena to go on their trip with them. I’m thankful that I knew how to be a good therapy dog with all the residents who wanted to pet me at the elder care facility, too. They want me to come back as soon as I can! Maybe there’s another trip in my not-too-distant future!

Lots of wags and love, Lucy

Awww Monday

Thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

Lucy: Here we are, finishing out our time in Fort Wayne. Hey Xena, let’s tell everyone what we liked about being here, besides being with our Mom and Dad. I’ll go first. I like this house and the big king size bed.

Xena: I like the pictures Mommy took of me on the stairs!

Xena: And I like the nice fenced back yard.

Lucy: I loved visiting with my grandma!

HI Grandma, I love you!

Grandma: Look at the camera, Lucy and we’ll get our pictures taken with your Mom and Xena. You’re a nice dog.

Lucy: So, despite my aversion to having my picture made, I smiled. And of course we got Xena and Mom and Miss Carol who we met there, too. She loves dogs, just like Grandma does.

Dad’s cousins and sister and brother-in-law came over to our Air B&B to visit and I made sure to give them all chances to hold me and pet me. They love me…in fact, even though Dad’s cousin is more of a “cat person,” I heard her say, “I love this dog.” I love her, too.
Well, I see everyone waiting for me at the door cause it’s time to go back home to Chattanooga. Will catch y’all next time!

*big wags and smiles* Lucy
*woof, woof* and me too, Xena

Grooming with Mom: Zoie, Then and Now

Lucy, Ace Reporter on the Groom Beat, reporting in on a schnauzer pup who has been coming to Groomer Mom for a little over two years.

Zoie (pronounced Zo-ee) first came to Groomer Mom in November of 2021 when she was 10 years old. She’s a sweet girl, and easy to groom. Here she is after her first groom at Small Dog Grooming.

Isn’t she precious? And so happy looking, too.

Two years later, almost to the day, Groomer Mom found a large tumor growing on her gums. Groomer Mom just sat there and cried when she found it. It was so much like when she found the same thing on her Lexi. A couple of days later, Zoie went to the vet. He could neither affirm nor deny that it was the big C. Zoie’s Mom decided to not do anything, and just let it “play out.”

This month Zoie came back for another groom. She had a lot of bad mats and short hair where her Mom had been cutting out even more mats. Groomer Mom did the best she could on her.

The fatty tumor on her chest had gotten bigger and she had lost all of her undercoat. Groomer Mom didn’t have the heart to look in her mouth again. She had also lost weight. Zoie no longer looked like the same dog, and was definitely not the same happy little schnauzer.

We ask for gentle woofs and purrs and prayers for Zoie.

Lucy, Ace Reporter, signing off.

Lucy Ace Reporter with Lucy

Lucy, Ace Reporter here on the Groom Beat with happy news of a new groom.

There’s another dog named Lucy in town. Can you believe that? Only this one is a red miniature poodle. She lives a half hour away from us, and Groomer Mom forgot to ask how she found out about Small Dog Grooming. *sigh* Groomer Mom also did not take a “before” picture. *sigh* But she said that Lucy (the poodle, not me) had hair hanging down over her face and hair all over her little poodle paws, and so on.

Lucy’s Mom didn’t want Lucy’s coat cut at all just a good brush-out. So Groomer Mom “cleaned up” Lucy’s face and paws and tail and private parts and gave her a good bath with a blow-out. What do you think?

Lucy was a “wild child” on the grooming table. She kept trying to crawl onto Groomer Mom’s shoulders and she licked G. Mom in her mouth and in her eye. Then Dad came downstairs to ask G. Mom something, and G. Mom had to go upstairs to find it for him, so Dad sat down on the grooming stool and talked to Lucy while G. Mom was gone. Lucy laid a good lick on him and tried to crawl on his shoulders, too! You can’t tell from the picture, but if she didn’t have all the hair, she’d be about the same size as our Xena. Her Mom’s already made the next appointment, and we’re looking forward to seeing Lucy again!

Lucy Ace Reporter signing off with another successful groom.

Lucy and Chia on Poetic Thankful Thursday

Lucy: This is supposed to be my month to most of the blog posts, but everyone else has been taking over ’cause I don’t like my picture taken. So for today, I made a deal with Chia. I’ll let her be in the picture – with a by-line – and then I get to do the poem. Oh, and she also gets to do a thankful or two.

First, many thanks to Angel Sammy for the fun picture this week and to Angel Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday!

Now, here’s the picture Angel Sammy gave us to work with and then my poem!

Human or Beast by Lucy, with Chia helping with the visual
Human or beast, I’m questioning.
I see a long tail, but no sight of it’s “thing.”
I’m sniffing it’s butt; no odor at all!
If I push real hard, I might make it fall!!

Sniffing up higher…yep, woman for sure.
I live with my Mom and know that odor.
I’ve got it all solved! The beast is cement.
The broad’s on it’s back with a coat like a tent.

Lucy: Since it was Chia in the picture I pretended she was here writing the poem. I think I did pretty good at that. I’m thankful to have you as my friends. Everyone is always so nice to me. *wags* And as you’re reading this I’m probably at the church visiting with Pastor. Mom said she hopes I’ve learned my lesson, and I think I have.

Chia: I like getting my picture taken, just like Xena!

Sis Xena isn’t gonna be too happy about not going to work with Mom every day, but eh bien, right Nelly? I’m thankful to be allowed to sleep under the covers with Mom and Dad. Sometimes I’m in sleeping with Andrew and Riley, and that’s really great, too! And I’m thankful that Dad has started taking me for walks again! And I’m really thankful for my sister Lucy. She’s my BFF (even though I don’t always treat her real nice). But I do love her and cuddle and sleep with her, too, during the day.

Guess that’s all for now, friends. Love and *wags* and *wiggles,* Lucy and Chia

Thankful Thursday with Lucy’s Poem

Thanks to Angel Sammy for the fun picture this week and to Angel Brian for hosting Thankful Thursday!

Chia’s had her month-long shot, and now it’s my turn. Don’t know how long it will last, but I’m thankful for being the next one in line. Here’s the picture Angel Sammy gave us to work with.

Lucy Teaches Cooking

I can’t yet read a book
But I’m learning how to cook.
Can’t read a recipe
But my Lucy’s teaching me!

First, mixing is my goal,
Then Lucy licks the bowl.
Pour it in the pan
Cook as  fast as I can.

Then throw it over there
Lucy, catch it in the air!
I threw it the wrong way!
Hurry Luce! Let’s go play!

Please tell Mom how what a great poet I am so I can do this every week this month, OK, friends?
Oh, and I am thankful for all of you who make me feel so good with all the nice things you say. And I’m thankful for my brother Riley. He’s getting old and won’t play with me anymore, but that’s ok. He’s still my buddy.

Your tail wagging friend, Lucy

Lucy’s Happy Birthday/Gotcha Day

Hi friends. I’m celebrating my 8th birthday that we observe on my Gotcha Day. It’s also the day before my Dad’s birthday! Hmmm, I wonder if I was his birthday present.

Dad: Yes, my sweet Lucy. You’re the best birthday present I ever got, and you have given me nothing but love and happiness in your seven years with me and your Mom.

So Mom and Dad just got home today from a couple of nights with my Auntie Jen and Uncle Bill and boyfriend Achilles. And 2 pigs. There’ll be a little more about that tomorrow. They brought Christmas presents with them from there, but it was all stuffies, which I don’t play with. I did enjoy watching Xena and Chia grabbing them and playing, and it kept Chia out of my hair for a while.

I also get to do the selfie today. I don’t really like my picture taken, but hey, it’s my birthday!

Guess I’ll just stay here in the kitchen, since it’s about time for supper.

Thanks to The Cat on My Head, for hosting Sunday Selfies!

Love and wags, the birthday girl, Lucy

Lucy’s Thankful Poetry Thursday

Hi friends! *wags and wiggles* I get to do the poem today. Mom said she feels bad cause I haven’t seen my Pastor for something like 87 days (2 weeks) and he won’t be in the office tomorrow, either. So I’m letting Xena go in my place. Here’s the picture that Angel Sammy came up with for us this week.

A Snowflake Friendship   by Lucy

I want to catch a snowflake or two;
I want to eat a snowflake with you.
Do they come in flavors? Can we get them larger?
Let’s go inside now and and sit by the fire
While snowflakes melt on our toes and our nose
and we cuddle close as our friendship grows.

I really hope you liked my poem. Now it’s time for my Thankfuls.
1. I’m thankful brother Andrew has been here with all of us since Saturday. I’m so glad he stayed even after Mom and Dad got home on Sunday. He’ leaving tomorrow, and I’ll miss sleeping with him in his bed.
2. Like I said earlier, I’m thankful Pastor will be back and will pet me and kiss me and tell me he loves me on Monday.
3. I’m thankful I have a comfy, warm place to live with really great food and lots of love, and no one yells at me or hurts me here.

Well, I guess that’s all for today. Except for thanking Angel Brian, for hosting Thankful Thursday. Thanks, Angel Brian!

Christmas Waiting and Treat Puzzles

Merry Christmas to all our friends! We are still waiting for brother Andrew and Jentry so we can get our pressies. In the meantime, Mommy gave us treat puzzles to work on. Here’s a short video of us all hard at work getting the treats out of the puzzles. You’ll see Riley in the background.

After we all decided there was no more treat goodness left in any of the puzzles, Chia started disassembling one of the bigger puzzles and taking the pieces into my our kennel to chew up. Seeing how it’s Christmas, Mommy only laughed at her and put what was left of the pieces back into the puzzle as best she could. You should have seen Chia’s surprise when she didn’t get scolded! May the spirit of Christmas last the whole year through!

Love and Happiness from Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

Preparing for Our Trip on Wordy Wednesday

Xena: I’ve gotta prepare for the trip to In Dee Anna early tomorrow morning. I’m gonna be stuck in the car kennel with Chia for 87 hours.

I saw Mommy pack my warm hoodie for the cold weather. I hope I don’t have to wear it. I’ve gotta remember to remind her to pack our food, too. I wonder if there’s any alligator meat left… And I need to go to sleep early so I can get up and have breakfast before 5 o’clock tomorrow morning. Hmm, I wonder if we can start eating breakfast at that time every day… alligator, mmmm.

Lucy: I got to go to work today after not seeing Pastor for 7 days. I don’t usually go on Wednesdays but I got special permission from Pastor to come today.

I waited a long time for Pastor to come in, but he finally came and we had a great reunion! He still loves me. I even got to tell him about our special Thanksgiving week meat: alligator! Yum!
Then a lot of people from a group called Al Anon came and it was a little intimidating, but I smiled and wagged my tail and they all liked me too and pet me and said what a sweet girl I am. It was a good day, but now I have to get rested up to go do therapy with my Grandma in In Dee Anna.

Riley: My Person Andrew is here to stay with me while everyone else goes on a long trip.

I’m so glad I don’t have to ride in the car. We’ll sleep in the bed together, and we’ll just hang out. Wait, I hear him calling me to go for a walk with him. It’s dark and getting cold, but I see he’s got my sweater and leash, so it’ll be ok. Catch ya’ later alligator! Oh, wait, that reminds me. Last week Mom gave us all a lot of alligator meat in our bowls for breakfast and supper. I. Hate. It. I. Won’t Eat. It. So Mom gave me turkey and Lucy got the alligator the next day.

Chia: Mom!! Are we goin’ yet? Huh? Huh? Can we go now?! Huh? Can we?

*licks Mom’s lips* Let’s go! Get Xena and Lucy and let’s go! Let’s go! Love you Mom! Come on! Oh, and don’t bring any of that gross alligator meat!

 Thanks to  Comedy Plus for hosting Wordless Wednesday and we hope it’s ok it got really wordy! XOXOX Chia, Xena, Lucy and Riley

Lucy’s Awww Monday

Good morning friends. Let’s start with a great big thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

I had a nightmare. It was truly gruesome. No, it wasn’t about Chia. In my dream I was watching a movie, and it came to life. See if this isn’t one of your worst nightmares, too.

Best wishes for everyone to find food on the floor.

Your friend, Lucy

Thanksgiving Thankfuls and Poetry Thursday

Chia: I made my poem short and to the point so everyone could get back to eating turkey.

There’s an Outhouse by Chia the Thanksgiving Injun

There’s an old outhouse
So we don’t pee inhouse

And we’re all thankful to Angel Sammy for the picture this week and for Brian’s Home Blog for Thankful Thursday.

Speaking of Thankful Thursday…

Riley: Chia! Why are you dressed like an Indian? Mom Amy said we should dress like pilgrims for our Thanksgiving picture. We even had a meeting and I decided we’d all just wear pilgrim hats. What’s wrong with you, long dog?

Chia: I’m a rebel. And I can run faster than you.
Lucy: Everyone please just stand still and look at the camera. The sooner we get this over with the better.
Chia: Xena, where you goin’?
Xena: I think I see a critter…

Going to See Ella, But Ella’s Gone

Lucy: For those of you who don’t know Ella, she’s my BFF. Her folks are Mom and Dad’s BFF’s so that works out good. But she lives 3 hours away and we don’t get to see each other much. This is Ella from several years ago.

We love each other. We’re always so happy to be together.

But everyone just found out on Wednesday that she’s dying. Cancer.

We were hoping she would at least make it through the weekend. Me and Mom packed to leave after work on Thursday to go see her and tell her we love her and say goodby before she crosses the Rainbow Bridge. Then, we got the texts from her Mom. She wouldn’t eat or drink. She wouldn’t potty. She could barely walk. She was struggling to breath. She was in pain. The joy in her life was completely gone. They had a final vet appointment for 3:30 on Thursday, the day we would have gone to say goodbye and give her all our love. Now she’s gone. We just came home instead of making the three hour trip there. Nothing will ever be the same without my BFF. I hope her brother, my boyfriend, Achilles is OK.

Ella’s Mom made this memorial for her.

Goodbye Ella. We hope you find your little schnauzer brother Piper and chase the bunnies with him again. You will be always in our hearts.

A Sad Lucy and Mom

Lucy’s Thankful Thursday Poetry

 Lucy: Many thanks to Brian for hosting Brian’s Thankful Thursday,  and also to  Angel Sammy for the picture this week.

It’s my turn to write a poem for the picture and I think I’ve got the perfect one. *wags*

The Pastor Is Gone by Lucy the Church Dog
Pastor went away.
I pleaded with him to stay.
Please return I pray.

Xena: Wow Lucy, you really do have a case on the pastor. Did you get AI to help you with that Haiku?
Lucy: No, Xena. AI couldn’t express my feelings like I can. I miss him so much. I haven’t seen him for a week but he’ll be back today and he’ll fuss over me and tell me he loves me
Chia: I want to meet this pastor. Grrr, why haven’t I gotten to meet him? Why won’t Mom take me to the church where she goes and works all day? Why do you and Xena get to go but not me? Grrr.
Xena: Because the first time the front door opened you’d run out onto that busy street and get flattened into a 2 dimensional dead dog.
Chia: Oh. Well, I’m thankful I’m still a 3 dimensional live dog!
Xena and Lucy: So are we!!

Chia: What’s dimensional?

Nature Friday in Fort Wayne

Hi, it’s me, Xena. Yesterday me and Chia rode together in the car kennel for 87 hours. We do really well at that! A bonus was that we got to eat breakfast before 5:00 in the morning…woo hoo! Lucy rode in the back seat next to us, and slowly wormed her way up between the front seats so that she was mostly laying on the divider thingie between Mommy and Daddy. She pretty much panted the whole 87 hour drive, so we didn’t begrudge her that comfort. Riley? Oh, he stayed home with His Person Andrew, who came to stay at our house with him. Anyhoo, we went especially to spend time with my Grandma who turned 93 on Thursday.

From all the stress of the drive, Lucy’s had the squirts and…

Lucy: No, Xena, you don’t need to tell everyone about that, please!

Xena: Oh, ok Luce. So this morning Lucy went to the nursing home to visit with our Grandma. While she was there, she did some unofficial therapy work with other residents who wanted to pet her. It was nice that she made people smile and have a little bit better day.

Lucy: (Looking grateful) Thanks, Xena.

Xena: It was nice and cool here in In Dee Anna, and Mommy took us all for a long walk. We walked down to a pretty place called Forest Park. Here’s me and Lucy in front of some pretty roses and something called a pergola. There was also a very small lake and more pergola thingies and lots of paved walkways.

The temperature was in the mid-60’s but the sun was warm.

And here’s Chia in front of some other flowers. Speaking of Chia..

Chia: Xena, don’t!
Xena: Speaking of Chia, for three years, no matter what Mommy has tried, Chia’s been a terror to take on a walk. She pulls so hard on the leash the whole time that Mommy hates to even walk her (but she does anyhow ’cause Chia needs so much exercise). So we get here, and Julia — who owns the Air B&B where we are staying, not my friend and Freestyle trainer Julia — lives next door. She was outside when we arrived and she and Mommy and Daddy started talking. They found out that Julia is a dog trainer. (I wonder if all dog trainers are called Julia??) Mommy begged her to take Chia and leash train her, saying she would pay her whatever she wanted if she could do that. Julia went in her house and came back out with a thin metal collar that she slipped over Chia’s head. (If you biggify the picture you can see the collar.) She put the leash on it and walked down the block and back with Chia. The whole time Mommy and Daddy’s mouths were hanging open cause Chia didn’t even try to pull. OMD! Then Mommy tried it and the same thing happened. Julia gave Mommy the collar! And that made for a much nicer walk this morning.

Finally, something beautiful happened while we were at the park. Mommy took a picture of us and it looked like there was a halo outlining me.

Can you see it?
Then she took this picture.

Lucy: It looks like laser beams like in Star Wars.
Xena: It does, but it’s not. I think it’s Angel Lexi letting us know she is with us.

That’s all for today, except to thank Rosy and Sunny of The LLB Life for hosting Nature Friday!

Happy Breed Results Tuesday

Hi, Lucy here. The results are in! While the Good Dog breed wasn’t listed, Mom said that was just an oversight on the Wisdom Panel people’s part, cause that’s what I mostly am. *big wags*

If you said boxer, as many of you did, you will find out that it is at the top of my breed profile. Also, if you remember, Mom and Dad had a little contest (now I know where Xena gets that from) and wrote down what breed(s) they think I am, and hid the papers away until we got the results. How did my Mom do? She got four out of six she wrote down, and three of them were top of the list. Dad? He only wrote down one, and it was also at the top. Are you wondering what breed(s) I am? Drumroll, please! And here it is!

We detected 10 breeds in Lucy’s DNA.

  • Guard
    • 26% Boxer
    • 25% American Pit Bull Terrier
    • 24% American Staffordshire Terrier
    • 7% Bulldog
    • 5% American Bulldog
  • Herding
    • 4% Australian Shepherd
    • 2% Border Collie
  • Asian and Oceanian
    • 3% Siberian Husky
    • 2% Chow Chow
  • Sporting
    • 2% Labrador Retriever

I’m really happy I’ve got so much boxer in me since my guy Achilles is all boxer and my BFF Ella is half boxer. No wonder we all get along so great! I can’t wait to tell Pastor. He still tells me he loves me and kisses and pets me at work. I never knew work could be so great!

Oh, and the panel also showed some of my relatives, and the second one listed is named….Lucy!!
To finish up, I want to thank Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Happy Tuesday Blog Hop!

Lucy’s Friends on Awww Monday

Xena: Mommy and Daddy went away Friday just before lunchtime. Daddy had some work thing in Nashville, and he and Mommy went from there to our Auntie Jen and Uncle Bill’s house for the night. In case you’ve forgotten, that’s where Lucy’s BFF Ella and her boyfriend Achilles live. They asked Mommy to show Lucy this, so come look, Luce!

Achilles: I love you Lucy. Do you still love me even in this cone of shame?

Xena: Lucy, stop drooling on the ‘puter.

Achilles: Lucy honey, will you come over my house and help me deadie this stuffie?

Look, Lucy, I’m playing tug o’ war with your Dad! My foot’s almost all better and I feel good enough to play with you, too.

Xena: Lucy, could you please stop licking the screen?

Ella: Hey girl! When ya’ gonna’ come visit me. I miss your pretty face. It makes me feel real good to just chill with you. You know you’re my BFF and I love you lots!

You could come in the kitchen and catch falling food with me while my Mom cooks!

Lucy: Awwww. I remember when Ella came to visit, just a couple of weeks ago. I sure do miss her!

Xena: I hope Ella can see how hard you’re wagging your tail, Luce. You remember, that tail you wrapped around hers while she was here. She really is a good friend to you. I know you would like to be friends with the pig, too, even though it’s unlikely that will ever happen. So just to make you smile some more, here’s a picture Mommy took of Morty.

Lucy: Awww.

Xena: Happy Valentine’s Day a day early, Sissie!

Me and Lucy and Ella and Achilles want to thank Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!