Eye better; market good

May 23, 2006
My eye is all better now. No more horrible collar thingy. I am free! Life is good again.

Lexi at market I went to the downtown market Sunday and got to see lots of people and dogs. The band was playing and Grandma made me stay with her while Mom danced. I wanted to go out on the dance floor too, but no one would let me. So Mom took me out on the dance floor when it was all over and asked me to dance with her, but I didn’t want to anymore because the band had quit playing. I saw a couple of my favorite people but no one seemed happy when I jumped up on them and got them all dirty with my paws. I still had a good time and was exhausted when I got home.

I am learning Bolero. Mom has a tape, and I watch it with her and watch her practice. I think I can do this. She is going to have to take smaller steps, though.

More later from the “dancing Schnauzer.” (Has a nice sound to it, don’t you think?)


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