My Work Week

First, before I say anything else, I want to tell you about a wonderful new device Mom gave me that has changed my life…well, at least my night. But Mom has been remiss in taking pictures, so she says I need to wait to say more. *whine* Soon, I promise.

Three times a week my day starts out the same as any other day – you know, out to potty, in the kitchen to eat brekkies, out to potty. But that is where it takes a turn.  I get my face – and sometimes all of me – washed. And brushed. And get one of my cuteness walking vests on. Then I get in the car and shake most of the way to the church. I’m still working on that bravery thing.

Once at work, there is the obligatory greeting people and deciding if I should wag, growl, bark or hide. Sometimes Miss Beth comes in and puppy holds me. It has become our “thing.” Have I mentioned that I love Miss Beth? I would like to take her home with me, but she says, “No thank you, I have my own home.”

Every day I carry my work equipment to the hallway outside our office. From there I can better see everyone coming and going.

By mistake I followed Mommy downstairs to the Parents’ Day Out area. There were lots of little people there, and one wanted to pet me. I tried to flee back to my office, but before I could get away, Mommy picked me up and let the girl pet my back. It didn’t hurt, but I still don’t trust them.

Sometimes Mommy moves all my work equipment back to my bed. By the end of the week I am exhausted.

I rest on the way home, and spend time with Lucy until it is time for Daddy to get home.

Sometimes we play bitey-face. And sometimes Lucy justs licks my beard.

Then I get dumped in the stupid playpen until my folks finish their supper. Before bed, I cuddle up to my Daddy.

So, if you need to talk to me on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, you can just come by St. Luke United Methodist Church or ring me up there at work. I will try to make time to visit with you.

I am Xena the working Schnauzer Warrior Princess

36 thoughts on “My Work Week

  1. Wow, you lead quite the busy life Xena! You’re such a good hard worker! Nymeria totally understands about the little people. She doesn’t trust them either. They can be really loud and noisy and unpredictable. Sometimes they’re crying, running or yelling, it’s all very confusing.

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  2. Hahaha, MOL. No lawyers, just peeps who don’t know their cats very well or think they belong outside only. They are country people. They think cleaning a litter box is totally yukky but picking up giant dog poop and cleaning stinky diapers are easier. In truth they are about all the same.

    And people who haven’t ever built close relationships with cats don’t realize what wonderful companions they can be! Just like people who think dogs should stay outside and work and never create close bonds with them.

    I believe that we have a cause to introduce pets as members of our families and what a beneficial relationship we can build with them. Instead of treating them as mere working animals and slaves to us humans.

    Let’s hope we can make a dent in this misconception! Luvz, Patzy and Miss Juliea

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  3. My Granny used to work as a Methodist Church Secretary 3 days a week also while my mommy was in grade school. But in those days you couldn’t bring fur-kids to work. You are very lucky to go with your mommy to work. I wish I could go to work with my mommy but they don’t allow cats. I could if I was a well behaved dog though. Luv, Patzy

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  4. Mommy thinks I will get braver around the little peeps as I get older, Ruby. She said we can wait a while on that. 🙂 ~Xena


  5. Wowsa gurl! You are one busy puppers! I agree with Grammie, those shrunken peeps are always droppin’ FABulous foodables and are always leaving good stuffs on their faces too!
    I thinks you can brave it, if there are some good rewards! You are indeed a Warrior Princess!
    Ruby ♥

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  6. You mommy could hitch your briefcase to a tiny wagon and get more bang for her buck in the wear you out category. Oops, was that my out loud voice? Guess us mommies gotta stick together about their respective princesses. 👸🏼

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  7. Little peeps taste good? Really? I might have to put on my brave hat (Mommy tells me to put on my brave hat, te, he) next time one comes near me.


  8. My what a busy little Bee you are, Did you know little people have good bit’s of yummies on their face and hands, especially after lunch and snack time and you could lick it off just like Lucy checks your beard for goodies. You are getting braver every day and I’m so proud of you……..Have a happy day.

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  9. Hari OM
    A dog has to earn her treats, is it not so Xena? This sometimes means enduring a few things which challenge us. It is not the situations but how we come through them which measures us. I think you are finding your way through… hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

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