It’s a Vodka Day by Chia on Happy Tuesday

I haven’t been to the church where Mom works, but some stuff has come to me. I heard that the pastor went to a morning-long meeting and they were giving out a bunch of goodies from a vodka company rep that was there. Mom came home with a large collar, a medium collar (all too big for me, rats!), 2 scarves (also too big for me), and 2 squeaky toys. They all have the vodka company logo and picture on them. Lucy’s wearing her new (medium) collar, Riley’s got one of the scarves, and I’ve got a new squeaky toy!

It’s my Vodka bottle from Tito’s. Their motto is “Vodka for Dog People.” Riley keeps stealing it. He chewed a hole in the corner. I wonder if any vodka came out. I wonder what “vodka” is??

Riley: I was trying to smell like something other than the bath I just had.

A big thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Happy Tuesday Blog Hop!

Chia’s Selfie and a Quiz

Hey, hey, hey, thanks, Cat on My Head  for hosting Sunday Selfies! Woohoo!

This is Chia. I’m doing the Sunday selfie today. And, along with my our selfies, we’ve started doing a little quiz to see how well you know me us! Don’t worry, you won’t be graded (or will you?); it’s just for fun. (or is it?) We’re doing one each Sunday until each of us has had our turn. This is Sunday #2, for those counting. First, here’s my selfie. I’m trying something a little different today.

Now for the quiz. I came up with these good ones.

  1. Mom has assigned us all numbers, just like on the Netflix show, The Umbrella Academy. Which number am I? (Hint: It’s the order in which we joined the family.)
    a. #2
    b. #4
    c. #1
    d. #3
  2. If I had a choice, I would
    a. Run away to explore the big wide world.
    b. Live the rest of my life here with my pack.
    c. Go live part-time with the neighbor, Ron, down the street.
    d. All of the above
  3. My favorite sibling and playmate is
    a. Lucy
    b. Xena
    c. Riley
    d. none of the above
    e. all of the above
  4. My Dad has nicknames for us all. Mine is
    a. Little One
    b. Squirt
    c. Long One
    d. Growly One

The answers are at the bottom of the page. Happy Sunday! *wags and wiggles to infinity!* Chia

Keep scrolling down…



Awww Monday Big Bed Sleeping

Many thanks to Miss Sandee at Comedy Plus for hosting Awww Monday!

Chia: Hey Lucy, who d’ya think’s gonna get to sleep in here tonight?

Lucy: I don’t know for sure, Chia. I heard Mom and Dad talking about how they aren’t sleeping well with all 3 of us in the bed and with Riley on the floor scratching and snoring.
Last night I slept in here with Riley on his floor bed, and before that you were in here, so I’m kinda thinkin’ it’s Xena’s turn. Yep, there’s Mom calling us into the living room.

Riley: I call dibs on the couch.

Chia: Maybe we’re gonna throw dice to decide. Or draw a card. Or play a game. Or see who can bark the loudest.

2 minutes later

Xena: Thanks, Mommy, I like this pillow better. Will you please turn off the light and ask Chia to stop barking? Do I hear dice rolling around on the floor out there?

Wishing all our friends here in the USA a Happy Labor Day, and a reminder to take it easy today. We told Mom she can be Rosie the Riveter the rest of the week, BOL!

How to Defeat a Big Dog by Chia

We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday, with special thanks to Brian for hosting it!

Chia: Hi friends! You never know who you’re gonna run into out there in your own yard or on a walk or even on a runabout. So you’ve gotta be ready! Here’s what you do when you run into a big dog.

First, you grab them by the neck.

Then, you wrestle them to the ground:

Next, you make them say woof, woof, you win!

Finally, you run like H. E. Double hockey sticks when they rise from their defeat!

Xena: That was some performance, sis. So where you goin’ now?

Chia: Lookin’ for my next big dog to dominate.

Xena: Sometimes I’m just plain thankful I’m a small dog.

A Dog and Her Bone

Chia: Xena thinks that’s her bone. It’s not!

I got it!

Where’d she go?

Uh oh, I think I hear Riley coming. He always wants my bones.

He passed right by the couch and so did everyone else, heading for the door.

Now I can safely lay in a sun puddle with my stuffies, my blanket and my bone!

Many thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting Happy Tuesday!

Sunday Selfie Naps

The Mom: Since the girls were napping after a good breakfast, I helped them with their “selfies.”

If these sweeties were awake, I know they would send tail wags and wishes for a happy week.

Many thanks to  The Cat on My Head  for hosting Sunday Selfies!

New Theme and Selfies

Xena: Hey there, friends. We hope you like our new look. The truth is, Mommy was playing around and accidentally saved a new theme. When she tried to go back to the theme we’ve been using since any of us start blogging, it said that theme had been discontinued. We couldn’t get it back. But she didn’t like the new theme, so she had to find something else in a hurry. She found this new one, which may stay, or you may be seeing a different one from time to time, BOL!

Lucy: Mom’s also been playing with our pictures like some of y’all do. Well, you don’t play with our pictures, you play with your own.. ugh, you know what I mean. Anyhoo, here’s a couple she’s done.

Chia: I’m in four of them! Wait, why does Xena get five pictures and I only get four?

Xena: Let’s have a contest to settle this! Everyone comment on your favorite picture, and the dog who gets the most comments gets to take everyone who voted for me to…

Lucy: Stop! That’s crazy, Xe! No contests, no voting, no you taking anyone anywhere. Just. Stop.

Chia: *running around the house* I wanna win! I wanna win! I wanna win! (etc.)

We hope you liked our lots and lots of selfies today! XOXOXO Chia, Xena, Lucy and Riley

We are happy to join The Cat on My Head for Sunday Selfies.

Sunday Selfies Show & Tell

Lucy: Hi, and Happy New Year, friends! *wiggles* When last we met, Mom was going to take me to the Smart Pet store for a new sweater. That was great! So many people pet me while I was there! I got a really pretty sweater too, and it even fits me like it was made for me (but not made by Mom, BOL!). Then I found out I had to pose for a picture. I really don’t like getting my picture made.

Chia: C’mon Lucy, you can do this! I just got lots of pictures taken and it doesn’t hurt a bit. Give Mom a good picture and it’ll all be over and you can go back to doing nothing.

Lucy: *gulp* OK, I’ll try. But it’s hard to look happy like Xena does in her pictures when I’m doin’ something I don’t wanna do.

Lucy: There. I hope everyone can see my pretty new sweater. I’m done.

Mom: No you’re not, sweet girl. Chia photo bombed you.

Chia: I was just giving moral support.

Lucy: Are we done yet?

Chia: Yep, it’s my turn. First, you probably noticed I’m wearing my big girl panties. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to wear them.

I managed to get them off during the night and now there’s blood on the bedsheets and Dad’s underwear. I was laying up against him. Hmmm. I didn’t know that would happen. Xena! Are you back there photo bombing my picture?
So, what I really wanted to tell you is, I got another present, too. Mom decided I needed a new collar after she put my pretty pink collar on me and I made choking sounds, sorta like, “ghagrk.” I’m a big 1 1/2 years old now and I outgrew it. Off we went to the Smart Pet store!

Can you see it? Instead of a bow it has a pretty sunflower on it. And it’s not pink, yay! No, you can’t see it? Well, that’s ok, there’ll be plenty more pictures of me wearing it other days.

Xena: My turn! I got new stairs to be able to get on the bed without hopping up and down asking Mommy to pick me up. Riley’s bed is always on the side where the rug is, and the floor on Mommy’s side is too slippery for me to try to jump up. I wasn’t too sure about these stairs at first. But when treats suddenly appeared on them, I made it the whole way up to the top.

Now the trick is to get back down. Riley’s sleeping on his bed, so I can’t jump down that way. OK, I’m gonna try this…

OK, I think I can do this. One step at a time.

I’m doing it, Mommy!

Chia: Did you see me run up and down and back up the stairs, Mom? I’m so fast, just like the Flash! You probably missed it. That’s OK, I’ll do it again!

The next night….

Xena: Mommy, Mommy, Mommy lift me into bed Mommy.

Mommy: *sigh*

We are happy to join The Cat on My Head for Sunday Selfies.

Christmas Week’s Not Quite Wordless Wednesday: The New PJ’s Argument

Thanks to Comedy Plus 
for hosting Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Chia: We’re goin’ up North next month, and Mom wanted me to have something warm to wear, so she lengthened something called a pattern that she used to make Xena’s clothes and tailored it just for me. The first problem occurred cutting the plush fleece material. The cut edges shed like a reindeer in the middle of summer so she did a zig zag stitch along the edges. (Do you wanna see me zig zag? I’m good at it!) Then she discovered the material was too thick and her machine wouldn’t sew it. But Mom loves me sooooo much that she sewed it all by hand. That took about 87 hours (that she should have used playing with me!)

She was finally done and it was time for me to try it on.

Seriously? I look like an armadillo. Is this really next Halloween’s costume?
Mom, did you notice one leg is longer than the other? And my hiney is hanging out.
What did I ever do to deserve this. Wait, don’t answer that.

Mom finally had mercy on me and helped me out of it before I chewed my the pajama leg off. I hope I never see that torture thing again!

A very short while later…

Chia: Hey you! Who said you could wear that?

Xena: Mom said it didn’t fit you and you don’t want it. It’s mine now. It sure is cozy warm.

Chia: No! It’s MINE!

Xena: *yawn* I’m so comfy I think I’ll take a nap.

Do you like my new jammies?

I am Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess with Warrior Wolves Jammies.

Not too Wordy Wednesday: Chia in Trouble (again)

Thanks to Comedy Plus 
for hosting Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

I got in trouble.

Prosecution says I “deadied” Mom and Dad’s blanket and was “ugly” to my sister Xena and “attacked” my sister Lucy when I came out of my kennel this morning. The jury of my peers – which also consisted of my victims, umm, I mean accusers – found me guilty of all charges.

Mom said don’t do the crime if you can’t serve the time. I sure hope I get out in time for supper.

XOXOXOXOX Chia, the imprisoned.

Busy Sunday Selfies

We are happy to join The Cat on My Head for Sunday Selfies.

Chia: Lucy! Play with me!

Lucy: I’m resting…I. Said. No!

Chia: Xena, play with me!

Xena: OK, first, let’s play “singing.” I’ll teach you a song. I’ll sing my part first, then you sing your part.

Xena: “I ain’t nothin’ but a schnauzer, woo, woo woo.”

Chia: “I ain’t nothin but a Jacksund, woo, woo, woo.”

We hope you enjoyed our busy selfies today.

Woo, woo, woo from Xena and Chia

Aww Monday Antics

Chia: Lucy! Wake up! Don’t make me tap dance on your back.

Let’s go outside and play. You said we’d play after your nap. It’s now after your nap.

Xena! Whatcha got? Hey, hey, hey, you got my red bone stuffie!

Xena: It was mine first and still is. It matches my bed, the one I sleep in when I catch you in the big bed with Mommy and Daddy.

Chia: Aww, come on, don’t be sore. Let’s play with it together.

Xena: No.

Chia: Fine. I’m gonna go outside, then. *makes a made dash for door*

I don’t think she saw me grab Elle on the way out.

We are joining Comedy Plus with much thanks for hosting Awww Mondays.

Lucy the Referee

Today we are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday. Thanks, Brian! And I am so thankful for my sisters and brother. Lucy

As you know, I have a career as Zen Dog in Mom’s Grooming Business, and Ace Reporter, mostly reporting on Mom’s grooms. Hmm, this seems to have a pattern to it. I also tried my paw at modeling, but I’m not super crazy about getting my picture done, so that didn’t work out very well. However, I may be adding to my resume the title of Referee.

You’ve watched me play with the new pup, Chia. And you’ve seen Xena play with Chia. These events took a few weeks to happen, but weren’t totally unexpected. What was unexpected is who played with this little pup with no boundaries next. When I saw 11-year-old, almost 80 pound Riley go into the play position with Chia, I thought, uh oh, someone needs to monitor this.

Lucy: No hard biting or squishing or grabbing of personal parts.
Chia: I’m gonna get you!
Riley: Mmm, keep scratching my face with those little teeth. It feels good.
Riley: Are we fighting or kissing?
Lucy: I think Chia’s got this.
Riley: Ow! You’re gonna get it now.
Lucy: Riley, don’t hurt her.
Chia: Get away Lucy! I’ve got this!
Riley: Ya think so?
Lucy: One…two…
Riley: I let you up little dog. Do your worst.
Chia: Why don’t you lay down on your back when I do this?
Lucy: Match over and it’s a tie!

Xena and Chia Playing

Wednesday, Lucy and Chia got the entire post. Today is my turn. I know at first I was pretty mean to Chia, but you’ve gotta understand, I had to teach her some boundaries and make sure she understands who is in charge. Lately, it’s been said around the house that Chia has brought out the puppy in me again. Well, I guess it’s possible to be a four-year-old puppy, right? However, I am secretly practicing pretend submission in case I ever need it, as well as honing up on my Warrior Schnauzer Princess skills.

Chia: OK, so here’s how we’re gonna play…

Riley: Hmm, I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Xena: Bwahahahaha. So you think that you can set down the rules? Bwahahahahahaha.

Xena: That’s right, head over my shoulder, then step to the side. Be sure to cross your legs. This is how you dance.

Chia: I don’t wanna dance. I wanna wrestle! Gotcha! Now I’m gonna flip you on your back.

Xena: *thinking* That’s it. I’m playing dead.

Chia: OMD! Did I kill her? C’mon XeXe, wake up! Please don’t be dead.

Xena: I’m not dead, you fool. But come any closer and I might hurt you.

Chia: Can we play again?

Xena: Sure, let’s play “dance”.

And on it went. For an hour. Or maybe 87 minutes.