Sisterly Love


Lucy: OK, so first, I want to thank everyone for their support. No one told me I was a bad dog for running off. Ya’ll just told me how pretty I am and to be patient and don’t make my Mom worry about me ’cause she loves me very much.

Xena: Well, it’s true, except for the part of not being a bad dog for running off.

Lucy: I wasn’t talking to you, Xena. I was talking to all my friends who love me. Some day you will love me, too, because I am going to be a wonderful big sister to you. I remember now what it was like coming to a place – even a good place – that was all new and trying to learn what to do.

Xena: You rolled me in the dog lot today. That wasn’t nice. You scared me.

Lucy: I was trying to play with you. I will be more careful next time.

Xena: Mommy got a brand new toy just for me. His name is Racoon. I love Racoon.

Lucy: I am glad you love Racoon, Xena. Mom spent Saturday going to the half off sale at all the area Goodwills. The toys are for all of us. And I got a “new” collar.

Xena: What about my tennis ball?

Lucy: Again, the toys belong to all of us, little sister. Mom threw the ball for you a lot, and you learned it is called “ball.” That was good, Xena.

Then, Mom made sure I had a turn to play, too. She wanted me to remember that she loves me just as much as she loves you, and that we can still have fun together.

Did you know that we stood and watched you play by yourself and do zoomies? I bet you didn’t see Mom look over and smile and wink at me. Do you know what I did then, Xena?

Xena: Did you ask for a treat?

Lucy: No, I winked back!

Xena: No way! I think you’re fibbing, Lucy.

Lucy: Way! You should have seen her mouth drop open before she grinned real big.

Xena: Then Mommy and Daddy took us all – even Riley who mostly ignores me – for a walk. Mommy forgot to bring the camera phone to take my picture. She didn’t realize she needed that picture until after we got home and she went into the bathroom.

Lucy: Xena! You didn’t!

Xena: At least I went to the bathroom in the bathroom. Hey did you see my new cuteness collar? That must have been what kept me out of trouble.

Lucy: The way you acted on the walk, she probably couldn’t have gotten your picture anyhow. You bunny hopped down the road and barked and barked and zigged and zagged and totally wore yourself out.

Xena: *yawn* No I didn’t.

Lucy: Shhh. Goodnight, little sister.

Love and wiggles, Lucy

I’ve Been Feeling Better Video

Mommy started up my meds again, the ones that settle my tummy and the lower areas, and I feel better. I am still being picky about my food. I don’t mean to be. It’s just that some things still don’t taste right. OK, the truth is, why eat kibble when you can eat canned? Why eat canned when you can eat hamburger? I mean, right?

Dad wanted to video me last night so all my friends could see I am still alive and barking. Huh? I coerce Mom into spoon feeding me now. How, you ask? Easy, peasy. I just refuse to eat out of my bowl! And when I am done, I let her know. I remembered partway through this supper that I should be eating home cooked chickie boobies or home cooked beef patties. Oh, and it’s true…the camera does put 20 ounces on you.

Pee S: Sorry about the potty part. Dang it, Dad, do you have to record everything? 

Our Valiversary

Valentine + Anniversary = Valiversary.

That’s what my sweet Noodle and I have today. My crew worked really hard to come up with something special enough for my fantastic guy. Well, most of them did, anyway. I finally decided that anything short of the personal touch would not be enough, so I brought on some so-called experts. They wasted no time checking out different internet sites, did a search on “love” and found that women sometimes dance for their guys… and their guys like it.

big dog eyes 1 bigdogeyes3 bigdogeyes 2

big eyes collage

After the crew did more research, there was a massive scrubbing of computers. I’m still not sure what happened. So…

I did my own dance for you, honey.  Mom helped me dance while Dad recorded it for you. There were times I was dreaming of dancing alone, just for you. I hope you enjoy my personal present to you:. (Be sure to keep watching when the butterflies appear at the end!)

Continuing the 8 Photos of Happiness Challenge

Noodle nominated me to participate in the 8 Photos of Happiness Challenge created by Ariel’s Little Corner of the Internet. How fun! In no particular order…

My all-time favorite thing…the stage. And this is a montage, so it counts as one picture, as Noodle said!
My all-time favorite thing…the stage. And this is a montage, so it counts as one picture, as Noodle said!
I love to go to Rock City with Mom and Dad for Rocktober Fest. I always see some of my peeps friends there and there is good German food for a good German dog, too!
I love to go to Rock City with Mom and Dad for Rocktober Fest. I always see some of my peeps friends there and there is good German food for a good German dog, too!
This picture is from my 10-year-old birthday party. I had a Healthy Choice meal with my Mom and Dad and then my very own cake shaped like a dog. I know, kinda’ weird, but Mom meant well. Can you see the happy all over my face?
This picture is from my 10-year-old birthday party. I had a Healthy Choice meal with my Mom and Dad and then my very own cake shaped like a dog. I know, kinda’ weird, but Mom meant well. Can you see the happy all over my face?
This one is from my last Freestyle competition. I love Freestyle!
This one is from my last Freestyle competition. I love Freestyle!
Another  birthday pic, this one from this past May. I love birthdays and I love MickyD's!!
Another birthday pic, this one from this past May. I love birthdays and I love Micky D’s!!
I love boating on my Sammy Joe, feeling the wind in my face.
I love boating on my Sammy Joe, feeling the wind in my face.
I love to help Mom in the kitchen.
I love to help Mom in the kitchen.

There are so many more pictures of things that make me happy, it is hard to choose the last one. Should it be of me at work at the church on the mountain? Or rolling in the ivy? Or taking a trip?

It's hard to stay awake when it is bedtime, but sacri- fices have to be made.
This is one of my nite-nite rituals with my Dad. Happy endings to happy days.

It’s now time for me to nominate the following blogs/friends:

One of my new friends Kona, at Mister Baloney Head

Sammy at, well, Saving Sammie

My friend who I wish would stay out of the street, Cupcake, at Cupcake Speaks

Sophie, who knows what a real terrier attitude should be, at corkscot (OK, Shelby and Sidney too)

I do not wish to be responsible for anyone’s unhappiness because I inadvertently omitted them, so If you want to join the challenge, just JOIN!

Rules and explanation of this tag:

  • Thank your nominator/s and link them in your post.
  • Link the creator (Ariel’s little corner of the internet)
  • Post your 8 photos of happiness;
  • The photos can be anything that represents a moment, object, place or feeling that makes you happy.
  •  Pop in a brief description of the photo, why you chose it or let the photos do the talking!
  • Spread the happiness and tag up to ten other bloggers!

Sweet Lexi has left town

And here we go!

Mommy warned me Thursday night as she was grooming me that we we going out of town the next morning. I didn’t have a chance to let anyone know, but here I am in pencil vain ya. Or pee yea!  as Mom says. We are helping out a good friend who had a bad car accident. Mommy told me a gazillion times – both before we left and on the drive here – that I had to be sweet when we got there. Sweet to our friend. Sweet to our friend’s husband. Sweet  to their Airedale/greyhound mix, Pai (pronounced pie). Even sweet to their c-a-t, Claudia. That’s asking an awful lot of sweetness from one little schnauzer. Guess what? I did it! They are all fooled. The people keep saying how sweet I am. Mommy reminded me that Pai and I played together when we were both puppies, but that was quite a while ago and I don’t really remember. Pai has been really nice to me, even bowing to invite me to play. We both BOLed at that for awhile, until we were finally asked to be quiet. Claudia has mostly been staying out of my way, although last night, while I was on the couch, she came over and waved her tail in my face. Her behavior was so rude that I didn’t even look at her.

It was a long trip so Mommy set my breakfast in the back seat along with my water bowl. I got bored.

Mommy was only slightly amused.

Mommy told me about some of the things we saw along the way:

The mountains are beautiful going heading north through Tennessee.
The mountains are beautiful heading north through Tennessee.
Look at this gigantic cross right on I-75
The roads were very curvy as we went through the Appalachian Mountains. I even saw a sign along the road that said
The roads were very curvy as we went through the Appalachian Mountains. I even saw a sign along the road that said “Stinking Creek.” Glad we kept going!
This Cincinnati, Ohio skyline is supposed to be famous.  Look at all the traffic.
This Cincinnati, Ohio skyline is supposed to be famous. Look at all the traffic.
The leaning tower of pizza. BOL! Just kidding, although pizza would have been good about then. It's really a hotel with a restaurant at the very top that slowly turns so that you can see miles in every direction. Also in Cincinnati.
The leaning tower of pizza. BOL! Just kidding, although pizza would have been good about then. It’s really a hotel  in Cincinnati with a restaurant at the very top that slowly turns so that you can see miles in every direction.
Look at the smog (air pollution) in Columbus, Ohio.
Look at the smog (air pollution) in Columbus, Ohio.
This is an old factory in Columbus (the capital city of Ohio).
This is an old factory in Columbus (the capital city of Ohio).

Memory Monday – Remembering a scary walk

I was thinking about my walk through the neighborhood yesterday with Mommy and Riley and I remembered my walk from H-E-double hockey sticks! I decided that would be good to share on Memory Monday. As a side note, the other dog in the story didn’t actually die like we thought. The Lady who owned him came by our yard sale last month and told Mom that she made her husband take him to the no-kill  shelter so he would have a chance, and the person at the shelter called her later to tell her that the monster dog got a good home. Just so his new home isn’t in my neighborhood!!

My Memory Monday story: I think I almost died: the story of getting dog-bit

June 8, 2014

Hysterical. Yes, I was hysterical. Wouldn’t you be hysterical if someone had hold of your tail with their teeth and was trying to tear it off? Wouldn’t you be hysterical if that same someone had already bitten you in the butt? Wouldn’t you be screaming your crazy head off if all that was happening to you? You know you would. There is a time for hysterics, and that was it.

 It was a lovely day for a walk through our peaceful neighborhood with my Mom and brother Riley. There are no sidewalks and only cars from the neighbors go by, so we were all strolling down the middle of the road toward the cul-de-sac. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a smallish white and brown terrier came tearing at us, curving around our right side where Riley was walking. Later, as her excuse for not rescuing me sooner, Mom related that everyone got behind her and she couldn’t see what was happening. As she turned to look, all three of us kept circling behind her so it took her what was a very long minute to quickly turn the other way. Her first thoughts were that Riley was attacking and killing the interloper. The screams were deafening. When she finally got us all in front of her, she saw the horrible terrier was trying to tear off my tail. That was me screaming! At that point she had the presence of mind to grab me up into her arms and chase away that vicious creature. What, you may ask, was Riley doing all this time? I’ll tell you what – standing there like a big dope with his tail tucked between his legs, looking all worried.

 This dog’s mom came running out wanting to know if I was ok. Of course I wasn’t ok! Didn’t she hear me screaming!? I wasn’t shaking, so everyone must have thought I was ok. I was probably in shock. In my mind I had gone to my happy places: yellow brick rd2015-04-12 15.52.18Someone should have administered first aid. Ice cream to the tongue is usually the best. But I was bleeding. Now, I could be vindictive and tell you what breed this little monster was (not schnauzer, I assure you). But I hear there are good dogs in this breed, so I won’t try to prejudice you against them. I think this one was just crazy as bat poop. Her mom said she was thirteen years old and had always attacked any dog she could get her teeth into. My Mom said she would inform her if there was a vet bill. Egads, could the day get any worse?

 So here we go back down the road toward home, me all dog bit and Riley all tucked under, and what happens next? A car bearing a very little girl stops next to us, the window rolls down, and the lady driving the car says, “Oh, my daughter loves dogs! Can she see them?”

This would have been a good time for me to go running into the woods, but Mom had that pinch collar thingy on my neck and I couldn’t get away.

Thinking the woman would have some sense in her head and leave, Mom said, “My small dog here just got bit by another dog, so she would have to pet this big one.” Not to be deferred by a poor bleeding schnauzer or a seventy pound hulk, the lady came around the car and opened the door where the little one was strapped into a car seat. Mom started pulling Riley over to the car. To his credit – or lack of good sense – Riley does enjoy the little people and is very careful around them. This time, however, he started pulling away from the car, which meant pulling away from the child. Still pressing on with her agenda, the lady unlatched what by now had been revealed to be a one-year-old girl from her car seat, took her out and stood her up next to the big red dog. Riley rubbed her gently with his giant T-Rex head and made googly eyes at her. For once, I was glad to be ignored. Mission accomplished, the lady strapped the child back into her car seat and shut the door. What happens when you remove a dog-loving child from a huge, child-loving dog? Yep, the crying and reaching began. By the child, not by Riley. So Mom tried to take the Ri-boy back over to the car, but he was having none of it. Finally the lady drove on down the road, leaving us to make our way back home to take care of me.

Bad day rapidly getting worse…I got dropped into the dog bathtub as soon as we walked through the door. There was talk about disinfecting the wounds. I lost some hair on my left rump where the creature’s fang had punctured me. And I was bleeding from the underside of my tail. The good news was that Mom determined I didn’t need to go to the vet. Whew, dodged that bullet, as well as the inevitable glass stick up the patuti.

 Since the story of my misadventure winds down about now, this seems like a good time to go back to the story of Riley. Because of something bad that happened to him at the dog park, he acquired this nasty habit of attacking other dogs. Ever since then, everyone has been trying to teach him to be nice when he meets other dogs. I’ve noticed that he has been playing nicely with two dogs who live next door, and not bothering any of the other neighborhood dogs. So it seems that when the monster dog attacked me, he was torn about what to do. He was trying to be a good dog even though he knew I was in trouble. Then he could tell that Mom was upset with him for not helping me. And when the car came along, he thought she was trying to put him in it to get rid of him!. Twice! As in get in. No? Meet the nice child. Now get in. What a dufus

 Now that I stop to think about it, I guess Riley wasn’t having such a good day either.

 Later that afternoon the mom of the monster dog came to our house to see if I was ok. She figured out I was ok when I stood on the other side of the door window barking at the top of my lungs at her. I could hear what she was saying through the door. She had been a nervous wreck all afternoon and couldn’t take having this happen again, so her husband was taking the monster terrier to have her put to sleep. I am not sure what that means, but I do remember that when my step-sister Ivy went to be put to sleep, she never came back. What that means to me is that I don’t have to be afraid to take walks in our neighborhood. Mom seemed kind of sad the rest of the day, with lots of other mixed up feelings just like Riley. I was just glad I didn’t get killed. I am  Lexi, the poor baby.

Now, here is a Memory Monday from Noodle. (my wonderful boyfriend) Noodle 2

Playing my Favorite Game

Mom and Dad spent most of the day moving things around. I sat outside and watched. First they moved a bunch of Dad’s stuff out of the shed. Then they moved a bunch of my brother Andrew’s stuff out of the garage and into the the newly emptied space in the shed. (Andrew, if you are reading this, I didn’t have any say in the whole thing.) (And they promised me you will like what they have done.) Then they moved Dad’s stuff that was now sitting in the yard into the garage where my brother Andrew’s stuff had been. What the? OK, so they did some cleaning and sorting in between, and I heard something about wanting to sell all the stuff that ended up in the garage. So maybe they actually have a plan. They are both big on organizing and have fun spending time together organizing things.

What didn’t happen was we didn’t get to have our dance party. I was mightily disappointed until Mommy said, “Let’s play your favorite game: Leave It, Find It.”

Dad has left now for a band gig. He plays a horn called a sax in a big band. That’s why we didn’t have time for the dance party, but he said we will do that tomorrow. Yip, yip, yippee! I am Lexi, the best treat finder ever!

Home all alone

There are no pictures to show today. That’s because Mom left me home. All alone. With my schnauzer cousin Piper. And my Dad. And my people brother Andrew. And my bestest friend Jentry. And The Boy. Yep, all alone. Mom didn’t take me to work. She left me home all alone, where pictures are not taken. I mostly stayed in the closet in my kennel. All alone.

Then, after Dad shut the bedroom door and left the house too, Jentry came looking for me. She finally found me all alone in my kennel in the closet. I wouldn’t come out. She thought I must have done something wrong. Why does everyone always assume I am a bad dog? She finally coaxed me to come out, but I just stood there with my head hung low. That made her think even more that I had committed some heinous crime. Finally, she asked me if I didn’t want to be shut up in the bedroom with Piper. Hallelujah! She got it! That got me talking. Bowowow and arruf. After I unburdened myself to her, she asked me if I wanted to spend the rest of the day downstairs with her. I said yes and off we went. Being home alone the rest of the day wasn’t so bad anymore.

I Am NOT a Mean Old Thing

Today was my second day at my new work. Mommy is not pleased. With me. At all. Last Thursday I got confused – that’s my story and I’m sticking with it. I thought I was supposed to be a guard dog. Someone should have explained to me that I was supposed to be a good dog welcoming committee. Yep, Lexi, the welcoming committee of one. You know everything is done by committee in churches. So today, on the way to work, Mommy spent time outlining my boundaries. NO growling, and NO barking. I guess I didn’t hear the NO part. Hey, these people tried to walk into my office without even asking. They are lucky all I did was growl And the preacher, well, I didn’t recognize him until I had already barked a couple of times. Come on…I had only ever seen him once, and he didn’t give me any treats that time either. *sigh* Now the mean old lady I live with Mommy is threatening to not take me to my job any more. Dad looked especially upset when she told him that. In fact, Mom said that I was so bad at work today that she wasn’t going to memorialize it with any pictures. Grrrr. (Oops, that’s what got me in so much trouble.)

On the way home we stopped at a quickie oil change joint. I thought that Mom must not have been as mad as earlier, ’cause she put me in charge of her credit card while the people changed the oil in our car.

I'm NOT a mean thing.
I’m NOT a mean thing.

But that wasn’t true. She said I could guard her credit card because I was such a mean old thing that no one would try to take it. 😦

Hey, I wonder what else I could buy with this?
Hey, I wonder what else I could buy with this?
Lexis Bday
I am reminding myself that at least someone loves me. Thanks, Noodle.

I am Lexi the guard good schnauzer.

My Life in Slides by Lexi (the Schnauzer)


Video Star

I, Lexi, now star in my very own video on You Tube. My Dad made the video. It is inspirational, as well as very good because, well, because I am the star.

We are very sad to inform you that Lexi passed on September 4, 2016 at the age of 13. She was the originator of this blog, and has left big pawprints to fill. Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley are doing their best to make her proud.

Off to See the Wizard

August 2, 2014

            I’m off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz. It is official…I am Toto again! It is at the same place as last time, the Colonnade in a city called Ft. Oglethorpe in a state called Georgia. I have been practicing vocalizing since I found out I am Toto again. Even my people brother Andrew came running up the stairs to “see what all the noise was about.” Mom said I was just telling her about my day, since it was one of those two days I stay home with Dad. I didn’t correct her, mostly because she hadn’t given me my supper yet, but she was wrong. I was working on my voice and expression for on stage.

I love being on stage. I have been practicing a lot of things on my own. Mostly barking. And projecting my bark. And acting like I haven’t been fed. And acting like I have to go out, then running to the kitchen when Mom gets up off the couch. That last thing is improv. Mom has started teaching me how to bow down for when the play is over. I keep thinking she wants me to lay down. She needs to be clearer with her signals. Sometimes Riley hears us working and comes in the kitchen and performs a perfect bow. Show-off dufus. Then he gets one of my treats. He is not in the play and does not need to intrude on our practice time.

I hope you can come see me. The play starts September 12th, so this is a limited time offer. I hear that all the time when the TV is on, and it always sounds good. I am once again Lexi-Toto.

Back at the Children’s Hospital

Hello my dear friends. I am blogging again, BOL. BTW (which I found out means By The Way), BOL is Bark Out Loud, the dog equivalent for LOL  One has to know these things when one blogs, you see. And even more-so when one texts. Will someone please tell me what texts means? Talking about blogging reminds me that I have an e-mail account now, and I can get attachments, and still, no one has sent me any treats or biscuits of any sort. What’s up with that?

I still haven’t figured out what is going on with Mom, but I can’t continue to dwell on that. My life is much too busy with things like breakfast, snacks, treats, and therapizing. Speaking of therapizing, Mom drove me to the children’s hospital this morning so I could therapize all the sick kids. It was good today, with lots of kids needing my special attention. One very little boy, still in diapers. who used to be scared of dogs, but now has gotten used to us and even likes us. He has two older sisters who liked me a lot too, so I was on the floor surrounded by children petting me, just like in the old days at the theater. What good memories…

Then there was the little boy – toddler, really – who declared he was a-scared of dogs, so I thought I would just stand out in the hallway and look in at him with a smile on my face. He saw my pretty smile and made a dash for me. I guess he forgot to be afraid, because he pet me real good until it was time for him to take a ride in a big plastic wagon.

There was a big family in the hallway who didn’t seem to know what a therapy dog is and wondered why I was in a hospital for people. So my good friend Lois, who always walks around with us and gives me treats before and sometimes during and after my job, explained it all to them, about how I was tested and passed and come to make kids happy. I think she could have added because I am so beautiful and have a scintillating personality. (Do you like my new word for myself?  I have to bark four times to get that one all out. That is one bark plus one bark plus one bark plus one bark. Whew!) Mom indicated to Lois to give the one of my calling cards so that just maybe, if they read my blogs, they will understand better.

We are home now and my people brother has ordered pizza. I saw the delivery person and now I smell it downstairs, so I have to go.

Lexi, the scintillating therapizer