Our Animal Doubles at Knoxville Zoo

Xena: OK, so I finally found a ‘puter to work on.

Mommy sent us pictures of her time at the zoo yesterday She said some of the animals reminded her of us. So instead of selfies, here are our (almost) doubles.

Lucy, Mommy said this first one reminded her and Daddy of you. You aren’t this big or anything, but she says you’re this gentle and sweet. Not only that, but this giraffe has your name!

Chia, yours is easy. None! She didn’t find any animals there that were long like a hot dot and fast like The Flash and and a combination of sweet and sour sauce. So, sorry, you don’t get an animal.
Chia: Grrrrrrrrrrrr

Xena: Well, there were the otters that looked a lot like you, but they were swimming under water all the time, so Mommy couldn’t get a picture.

Riley, Mommy found several animals that reminded her of you.

The lion is the quiet king of the jungle but can roar really loud, and also keeps everyone in his pride in line. You don’t bark much, but when you do, wow. It’s deep and the whole neighborhood can hear it.
The gorilla is smart and can be a clown like you were before I knew you, when you were much younger.
And the bear, well, he does his own thing, takes his time and walks a lot like you.
Wow. Mommy must really think about you a lot. I’ve never really given you much thought other than as the grumpy grandpa who I kinda stay away from except when I bark at you once in a while (when you’re laying down and can’t get up fast to get me!). But I’ve watched you play with Chia like you were a young pup, and I’ve seen you running through the yard and rolling in the grass. Maybe there’s a lot more to you that I realized.

I think this must be the one that Mommy and Daddy picked for me. Fierce and also loving.

Riley: Barharharharhar! So today you’re a comic, Xena. Come on, show everyone the real picture of the one Mom Amy picked.
Xena: Oh…OK. Uh, but what is it?

Riley: It’s a red panda, curled up taking a nap. She said you look that precious when you’re napping like that. *gag*

Xena: Oh, well, maybe it does look a bit like me. *grin*
I hope you enjoyed seeing our doubles at the zoo. And thanks so much to The Cat on My Head for hosting Sunday Selfies!

Xena’s New Vantage Point on Selfie-less Sunday

Lucy: We were all outside on the porch, enjoying a beautiful day.

I’ve heard both Mom and Dad say, “They only learn the bad things from each other.” Being the youngest, Chia has a habit of getting on things like tables and kitchen counters. Lately, Xena has been immulating her.

Xena: It was easy getting up here. I can tell this is where Daddy eats. I can still smell his food. He’s a messy eater.

I can see everything that’s goin’ on in the woods from up here. No wonder Chia likes to do this.

5 minutes later

How am I going to get down? Mom! Where’s Mommy? I need to do my selfie!

Oh well, it’s not supper time yet. *yawn* Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

 Thanks so much to The Cat on My Head for hosting Sunday Selfies. I guess my selfie this week is of my bee hind, BOL! XOX Xena

Xena’s Sunday Selfie

Mommy, you promised I could do the Sunday Selfie today…did you forget? Yes, I know you’ve been grooming dogs and working out in the yard all day, but this is priority stuff. I can pose lots of different ways and you can take lots of pictures. But we need to get on it, I mean, it’s almost supper time. *drool* almost…supper….time….

No! No! You can’t use that one. You need to comb my hair and wipe the drool off my mouth.

(1 minute later) Now I’m ready. How about like this?

OK, that’s good.Let’s just use that one. Is supper almost ready? Oh, and Happy Sunday everyone!

Thanks so much to The Cat on My Head, for hosting Sunday Selfies!

Lucy’s Challenging Sunday Selfie

Greetings, my friends. If you know me, you know I don’t like to have my picture taken. Even last Sunday, on my birthday, I gave the privilege away to my BFF Ella. This week, when Mom asked, “Who would like to do the Sunday selfie?”I stepped forward. Literally. You can imagine her surprise. She said, “Lucy, are you sure you want to do the Sunday selfie?” I looked at her and wagged my tail, and out came the phone camera.

Of course it was a challenge with Chia on the loose. On the first try, she photo-bombed me.

Mom suggested we try again. This time, Chia ran in and screamed in my ear.

After that disruption, Chia had to go to time out. Besides, I’m only seven years old and I don’t want to go deaf just yet.

Finally, here is my selfie. Mom wants you to know that I really can look happy and even smile, but I just get nervous about this whole picture thing. Xena says practice makes perfect, but I don’t know. I think there are just naturals. I’m a natural at calming people and helping them feel good.

With that done, I cuddled on the couch with my peeps brother, Andrew.

His hands are blurry cause he’s stroking my shiny furs. Oh dog! There’s Chia again. I’m going into zen mode now; see all y’all later.

We want to woof out a big thanks to The Cat on My Head, for hosting Sunday Selfies!

Selfie Sunday at RocktoberFest

Hi friends! Xena here. It’s my turn to do my Sunday Selfie — oh yes, thank you  Kitties Blue for hosting it — and I was supposed to do a boring old selfie with a quiz to see how well you know me. But I got to go to the first RocktoberFest of the season at Rock City yesterday, and I want to share that with you instead. It’s lots more fun! I’ll woof Mommy into letting me do my original Selfie Sunday next week, OK?

It’s been two whole years since I was there; they didn’t have the festival cause of COVID. I was only three years old then, and the band scared me when they played. Guess what? I wasn’t scared at all this time!

It was a little chilly on Lookout Mountain so I wore my sweater under my harness most of the morning. I liked listening to the music and to Daddy announce the songs, saying funny things about them. I wanted to run out to him, but Mommy kept me in her lap. Then something smelled really bad.

At first I thought Mommy pooted, then I realized it was her Octoberfest beer. Ick.

We took a walk around the park, and Mommy had to go into the little girl’s room. That was my first time in a place like that. Did you know that they sprinkle crumbs of Tostitos on the floor? Oh my, they’re good!

Can you see my happy smile?

When we got back to the pavilion, I had a run-in with a chicken. Well, at least with its head.

Does this chicken head belong to anyone? I don’t like the way it’s looking at me.

Then Mommy danced a little bit with me, but I was more interested in checking under the tables for food. Later, while Daddy was announcing one of the songs, he held me and told everyone I am a schnauzer, a German dog who came for the good food and good music.

Too bad I didn’t get much more of the good food, although I got my first little taste of fudge. It was great! Then I was declared the official band dog, so I got my picture taken with the band.

Can you see me there right up front? I could see all the other dogs from there. I bet they wished they were me!

That pretty much covers it. Anyhoo, if I have to post a selfie, I choose the picture with me covering my nose, BOL!

Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

Selfie Sunday: Xena

It’s my turn to do a Sunday Selfie. My life’s been pretty miserable lately. I have a flea allergy. That means that when even one flea bites me, I go crazy itching and scratching.

Mommy got the yard treatment guys to spray real good. The stuff is supposed to not cause cancer or hurt peeps or pooches, even if we eat the grass — after it all dries. Well, that didn’t work. Even after that and after Mommy washed our bedding and vacuumed and flea bathed us all, I would still have one or two on me every time she checked, morning and night. Then she sprinkled that stuff that cuts them into pieces — I think it’s called diatomaceous earth (Mommy helped me with the spelling) in our dog lot. I still was getting fleas. Then she called the pest service back and a different guy came out. He told Mommy that he was going to use something else that was also safe for all of us. He thought maybe the fleas had grown used to the other stuff, and they needed something new to do the job. He sprayed really good, and Mommy hasn’t found a flea on me since. Well, that way my long way of saying that there have been no new fleas, but I am still suffering from the bites from the other ones that are now dead, and, if Mommy’s words came true as she killed each one, they’re all burning in H.E. double hockey sticks.

Anyhoo, that was a long way of saying that I’ve decided, for my Sunday Selfie, to go to my happy place without fleas or Chia or anything else that irritates me or makes me miserable. Especially fleas.

Join me, and we’ll play and pretend happy things.

Many thanks to  The Cat on My Head  for hosting Sunday Selfies!

Lucy and Xena on Selfie Sunday

Many thanks to  The Cat on My Head  for hosting Selfie Sunday!

Xena: This week it’s Lucy’s turn to do a selfie. She hates having her picture taken, so I selflessly volunteered to be in the picture with her, making it an “ussie.”

OK, Lucy, look at Mommy. She’s got two fish oil pills in her hand, and you get one of them if you look at her. You know you want one!

Good girl, Lucy! You did great! I’ll help you every time it’s your turn. Now, for that fish oil…

Have a great Sunday, everyone! XOX Lucy and Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

Ella’s Sunday Selfie

Many thanks to  The Cat on My Head  for hosting Sunday Selfies! 

Ella: Auntie Amy surprised me, saying I could have the Sunday Selfie today. This is a picture from when I was tattling on Achilles informing my bestie, Lucy, that something was going on in the bathroom that she needed to check out! Click here if you missed that.

Well, Lucy got so ticked off at him that she wouldn’t even sleep in the same room last night. Achilles slept in the bed with Aunt Amy and Xena (Xena made sure Aunt Amy was between them), and Lucy slept in the living room with me. Achilles can be a real dog.

Anyhow, I hope you like my selfie. *wags* Ella

Sunday Selfie

We want to thank The Cat on My Head for hosting Sunday Selfies.

Hi friends. This is Lucy, and Mom said I could try my paw at doing a Sunday selfie. *paws crossed* that I do a good one. Oh, wait, I can’t take my selfie with my paws crossed! Anyhoo, here’s my first try.

I guess I was thinking about my paws instead of my face. Let me try again.

How’s this? Hmmm, I look way too serious. One more try.

I got a little bit of Mom and of Xena in this one, but that’s ok. They’re my pack.

Love and wiggles, Lucy

Sunday Selfie by Riley

We’re joining The Cat on My Head for their Sunday Selfie blog hop.

I never get to steal use Lexi’s blog any more since I moved out of the house with my Dad Andrew. I got to thinking about it and asked my friend Lucy (who I knew would say yes, as opposed to Xena who would have woofed not just no, but heck no!)

My Dad brought me over to Lucy’s house to get a good flea bath. The funny part was that he was almost done with my bath before anyone realized we were even here. I don’t really like baths (who does?) but I know they get rid of fleas and make me feel better and less itchy, so I consent to them. I’m 70 pounds of (mostly) muscle, so consent is pretty high up on the list when trying to get me to do stuff. Now if Lucy’s Mom had given me the bath, she would have put me in the big tub where I slip around and can’t fight very much when she cuts my nails. Dad didn’t bother with that this time, and he got a gentle reprimand from Lucy’s (and his) Mom when she saw how long they are. Hey lady, if you don’t like it, just don’t look at them, right? There was even something about “for my own good” thrown in there. She’s a groomer, so she thinks she knows this stuff.

Don’t you think I’m a handsome nine-year-old? I wanted to make the picture bigger, but there was something about blowing up phones, and I’m not a terriorist.

Dad stayed and ate supper with his Mom, then he left to take me home to feed me since there’s no kibble or canned dog food in the house. I love my Dad and he loves me. I’m his heart dog. It’s good to be someone’s heart dog.

XOX Riley (thanks, Lucy)

Xena’s 1st Sunday Selfie


Hi. Watcha’ doin?

It’s been a fun Sunday. Riley, er, He-Who-No-Longer-Exits came home today and I got to growl and yell at him. After I had my lunch, me and Lucy went out in the dog lot and ran along our side of the fence while HWNLE ran along his side of the fence in the big wide world. I barked and ran and ran and barked. Mommy was just inside the door cooking so she didn’t notice that it had started to rain. It was great! Parts of the dog lot turned to mud and Lucy had fun rolling me around in it. I don’t know why she didn’t roll in it too…

Anyhoo, when Mom called us in, she didn’t know ahead of time about the rain and mud and it was so much fun leaving muddy pawprints through the house. Rosy, who is a month younger than me, did the same thing not too long ago.

I think this is where I’m supposed to say that I’m joining The Cat on My Head for Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. OK, consider it said.

I am Xena the Schnauzer Warrior Princess with my First Selfie Blog Hop.

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Lucy’s Artsy 4th of July

Since Ella – who I have never met  – got to star in her own artsy fartsy day on Saturday, I politely asked for equal time. After all, I was also neglected (OK, Dad was here, but ya’ll know it’s not the same) while Mom went and lavished all her love on that Piper dog. But I’ve already told you about that earlier today. Mom said she would make an exception to her no-more-than-one -post-a-day rule just for me. That means I get to join in the Cat on my Head Sunday Selfies! Yay! Mom made it all patriotic for the birthday of our country, the already great U.S. of A. I tried to pose extra pretty, so I hope you like it.

Love and wags, Lucy

Super Sunday Selfie


My Mom. *shakes head* She couldn’t find the Sunday Selfie hosting site today. So she said, “Never mind, you can still do your Sunday Selfie on your own blog, Lexi, and maybe someone will be kind enough to send us the link.” *sigh* So I did, since I have had some time to think about it this week.

This is how I have seen myself most of my life: brave, strong, humble, present in time of need, and much loved by everyone:

Super Schnauzer
Super Schnauzer

I am Lexi, the lonely Sunday Selfier. I guess I will go watch the PAWlympics.

OK, Mom finally got with it and found the hop. I am in it. Hop on over (really Mom?) to The Cat on My Head to see all the other Super Sunday Selfies.

Lexi’s Third Sunday Selfie

Everyone says I have this selfie thing down. *smirk*

I got this down.
I got this down. *snap*

I hope y’all are having a good Sunday. We have been celebrating my brother Adam’s birthday all weekend. (Well, the peeps have been while I stayed home to watch Gracie.) Tonight everyone is coming here for ICE CREAM CAKE! Yay!

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